Greg Abbott Attempts Damage Control, Feigns Outrage Against Enforcement of *His Own* Order

Governor Greg Abbott is angry about activist politicians in Texas who seek to undermine the state and persecute law-abiding Texas during a time of a pandemic. However, Abbott should also be angry at himself for signing the very executive order that enables the imprisonment of Texans who dare to make a living by keeping their stores open.

Nonetheless, Abbott is beginning to recognize the error of his ways.

In the middle of this chaos, politicians  also want to let thousands of criminals loose.

On April 7, 2020, Abbott tweeted, “Throwing Texans in jail whose biz’s shut down through no fault of their own is wrong.I am eliminating jail for violating an order, retroactive to April 2, superseding local orders. Criminals shouldn’t be released to prevent COVID-19 just to put business owners in their place.”

Soon, the Texas Supreme Court ordered the release of Shelley Luther, the Dallas salon owner who was unjustly incarcerated for keeping her store open.

Abbott subsequently issued an executive order that banned incarceration as a punishment for violating a shelter order.

Texas has maintained a level-headed approach to the Wuhan virus pandemic for the most part.

It has protected gun rights by declaring gun stores as “essential” and rolling out a gradual re-opening of the economy.

However, Abbott caved in to leftist pressure by implementing a shelter order. This was a big mistake and has hurt countless small businesses in the state.

Hopefully, the Lone Star states takes it to another level by pursuing a bold re-opening plan and not look back.

There is no need to destroy people’s economic livelihoods for a virus that can be handled through common sense public-private partnerships that don’t infringe on people’s liberties.



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