Gun Owners of America Stands in Opposition to the DC Uniparty’s Gun Control Legislation 

With gun control moving forward in the United States Senate, gun owners are looking for organizations who will stand up for their freedoms. 

Gun Owners of America has answered that call. 

 On June 21, 2022 announced its opposition to a gun control package after fully reviewing the text of this gun control package. 

Some of the provisions of the “bipartisan framework” that alarmed GOA included provisions that incentivized the creation of backdoor Universal Background Checks by recategorizing many private sellers as gun dealers, bribing states to adopt “red flag” gun confiscation orders, and would facilitate “enhanced background checks.” 

Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, issued a bold statement: 

Once again, so-called ‘conservative’ Senators are making clear they believe that the rights of American citizens can be compromised away.  Let me be clear, they have NO AUTHORITY to compromise with our rights, and we will not tolerate legislators who are willing to turn gun owners into second-class citizens.  GOA fully opposes this unconstitutional legislation and will continue to encourage our millions of members to make their voices heard to their elected officials on this bill.

GOA is one of the loudest no compromise Second Amendment organizations. They, alongside the National Association for Gun Rights, will be among the most active organizations making sure that Second Amendment rights are safe-guarded in this sensitive moment in American history. 

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