Haitian Immigrants Are Causing Mayhem In Springfield, Ohio

The town of Springfield, Ohio has been at the center of national attention for its nasty experience dealing with Haitian migrants.  

Springfield is the typical Rust Belt town that has suffered from deindustrialization in the last few decades. Springfield has a population of slightly below 60,000 people and its per capita income is $24,701. 

According to a piece by the Justice Report, manufacturing jobs have fallen by half since 2000. Per figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, manufacturing jobs fell from roughly 13,000 in 2000 to just 7,000 in 2024.

According to Census Reporter, 70% of Springfield’s population is white. That said, the town is undergoing a significant demographic transformation. In the last few years, roughly between 12,000 and 20,000 Haitian migrants have been imported into Springfield. 

A good deal of these Haitian migrants have been imported by the Biden regime through a program that allows a financial sponsor in the United States to sponsor Haitian nations legally for two years. Additionally, significant numbers of Haitians exploited the Biden regime’s decision to let Title 42 — a Trump era public health restriction used at the border — expire in order to migrate illegally to the states. 

Approximately 300,000 Haitians that have entered the US illegally received temporary legal status back in June, thereby allowing them to stay in the US until February 2026. The corporate media has gushed about Springield’s so-called “revitalization” thanks to this influx of Haitian migration. The typical narrative goes that Haitian migrants are doing the work that white natives of Springfield refuse to do or can’t do owing to drug addictions. 

The so-called “revitalization” of Springfield is not being brought about by the Haitian migrants though. The Justice Report noted that “various state and federal subsidies attached to them” has brought about this development. Enrollment in Medicare, federal food assistance, and several other welfare programs have increased in Springfield, per a report by Reuters.

One shocking aspect about this migration influx is that locals of Springfield can’t easily enroll in these same welfare programs. In one case, a homeless White woman who became unemployed in April indicated she had been denied access to food service programs on multiple occasions. Another white woman, a single mother dealing with homelessness, reported that ever since the Haitians began flooding the town, it has become more difficult to receive any form of government aid. She added that white residents must “fight” tooth and nail to receive public benefits.

Rent prices have also been surging due to increased housing demand. Per Reuters, in the timeframe of July 2022 to July 2024, rents in Springfield have increased by 26.5%. For perspective, wages only increased by 10% during this time period, which has resulted in many people being priced out of the housing market. 

On top of the socio-economic problems this migration influx has brought about, there has been a significant increase in vehicle accidents. One of the most high-profile accidents involved a Haitian national without a US driver’s license who crashed into a school bus that resulted in the death of 11-year-old Aiden Clark and the injury of 26 other children.

After Springfield became the center of national attention, Aiden’s father would go on to say that he wishes his son “was killed by a 60-year-old White man instead” in order to halt the alleged spread of “racism” and anti-immigration sentiment. 

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine recently announced that subsidies to Springfield would be dialed up to handle the increased Haitian population.This includes $2.5 million allocated towards expanding  access to primary education and additional resources to tackle “the increase in dangerous driving in Springfield by inexperienced Haitian drivers.”

The forces that are in charge of American politics are diabolical to say the least. It’s not enough for them to flood the US major metro areas with tons of non-white migrants. They want to take it to the next level to make sure that every base is covered. This means they will airdrop foreigners into rural areas and whatever stretches of the US remain predominantly non-white.

Springfield demonstrates the limits of the conservative approach to dealing with immigration. After all, a good portion of these Haitian immigrants came legally to the states through asylum and temporary protected status programs.  Both illegal and illegal immigration have to be sorted out unless the US wants to experience a demographic disaster in the near future.

It’s all fun and games, until the nation your forebears built disappears thanks to mass migration.

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