HOAX WATCH: Viral Story of 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Needing to Travel Out of State for Abortion is Pushed by Far-Left Activist Without Evidence

A recent viral story has been circulating about a pregnant 10-year-old rape victim who needed to travel from Ohio to Indiana to receive an abortion.
This report gained traction on social media very quickly and was exploited by the enemies of life in order to reinforce their point about the supposed cruelty of the Supreme Court’s recent Roe v. Wade repeal.
However, there is zero evidence that has been produced to back this story up, and the abortionist who is circulating the story is a far-left activist with a long history of whoring herself out to the media to support Democrat causes.
PJ Media journalist Megan Fox detailed the hoax in a lengthy and comprehensive Twitter thread:
The story about a 10 yr old pregnant girl who had to go from Ohio to IN for an abortion gives me serious pause for a number of reasons. There are many red flags.🚩I'm going to detail them here. pic.twitter.com/1PkzmvfzRS
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
🚩 #2 An unnamed alleged "child abuse" doctor called Dr. Caitlyn Bernard (an abortionist in Indiana) to ask for help. But any doctor who knows of abuse would be required to also call law enforcement. There should be a criminal investigation going involving Ohio DFS and police.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
🚩 #4 The article first published in the Indy Star, a local Ohio paper's site but in record time was picked up by huge international press. On the 2nd, The Hill and Newsweek had it and by the 3rd, The Guardian had it, and by the 4th it was on TMZ, reaching all the kids.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
🚩 #5 It was immediately used as a political weapon against Republican Governor Kristi Noem and will be used against other pro-life politicians to make them answer this possibly hypothetical or made-up scenario to win political hit points.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
🚩 #7 There's no way to verify Bernard's claim. She has doctor patient confidentiality. No one can FOIA her. The media won't ask any questions and even if they did she wouldn't answer. There is no proof that this 10-year-old even exists and yet the media ran with it full tilt.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
🚩 #9 Why don't any of them care about the crime committed against the child? Lawmakers in OH should demand an investigation into who raped this child. They are the only ones who can get information through DFS and help the girl seek justice for the crime, if it happened. Did it?
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
Here's what the spread over time through media looks like according to the first two pages of a Google search. I'm going to do other search terms. But this story had legs. Is that an accident that it got maximum coverage? pic.twitter.com/YUEInB8B6c
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
The big question now is why was it the @indystar that reported this exclusively of all local OH news stations (CBS, ABC, NBC) that didn't? According to star site, they are owned by Gannet Co., a huge media company. But Gannet's site doesn't list them. So is this still accurate? pic.twitter.com/xBypUaB46z
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
And AGAIN! On June 30th in YET ANOTHER publication! This woman sure gets around. WTHR this time. https://t.co/Yx7PjfzArT pic.twitter.com/9JYUcDxNhK
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
Here's #DrCaitlinBernard encouraging women to give themselves abortions. No, really. In the Herald Bulletin on July 5. How does she have time to do abortions between media hits? https://t.co/7rF2C3qIBx pic.twitter.com/HgyTF8KdSr
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
#DrCaitlinBernard is also the plaintiff in a case to fight the abortion restrictions in the 2nd trimester https://t.co/cbZkAHnEGX pic.twitter.com/eN9F09lNXu
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
Don't know the outcome. It was filed in 2019. It's not a fun read. https://t.co/SVxUHsKkpL
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
Here is #DrCaitlinBernard again on July 1 but this time instead of encouraging self-abortions, she now says they're "risky" and is blaming Republicans for them. See above where she said self-abortions are an option for women though, contradicting herself. https://t.co/Oubqm4hMDt pic.twitter.com/OPeALTGngI
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
Not even Snopes can confirm this story. They want to, but they can't. #DrCaitlinBernard doesn't return anyone's calls. I wonder why that is? https://t.co/6StA75K8tx pic.twitter.com/rCvjpKDGbj
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
Since you're all here, sign up for @PJMedia_com VIP where you will get this kind of reporting all the time. Honest, fact-based, skeptical journalism. We fact check Big Media regularly. Use my promo code FOX for a discount. Support real news. https://t.co/PhgMAGJfLF
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
Big League Politics has reported on the tantrums thrown by the Radical Left since the Supreme Court repealed the illegal and unconstitutional national baby-killing mandate in Roe v. Wade:
“A leaked memo from the Department of Homeland Security has indicated that the feds are expecting a wave of left-wing violence to sweep the nation once Roe vs. Wade is repealed.
The DHS is admitting that the far-left terror is “likely to persist and may increase leading up to and following the issuing of the Court’s official ruling.” Even while warning about the violent far-left extremism that is to come, the Biden regime still found a way to propagandize against conservatives.
“Some racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists’ embrace of pro-life narratives may be linked to the perception of wanting to ‘save white children’ and ‘fight white genocide,’” the memo states.
Shamefully, the DHS did public relations for violent left-wing extremism in the memo as well.
“The mere advocacy of political or social positions, political activism, use of strong rhetoric, or generalized philosophic embrace of violent tactics does not constitute domestic violent extremism or illegal activity and is constitutionally protected,” the memo claims…
Similar to 2020, the Democrats are resorting to terror and intimidation in order to steal another election. Their tactics will likely backfire in the midterms as the public sees the fruits of the Biden regime.”
The Satan-worshiping monsters on the far-left will lie, cheat and steal to protect their holy sacrament of baby murder. They desperately wish to murder more children in the womb as demonic sacrifices to Moloch. This cult of the damned must be defeated for civilization to redeemed, and the repeal of Roe v. Wade is a good start.