House Democrats Pen Letter Asking For ‘National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day’

Abortion up until the day of birth is the Democrat motto — just look at their voting record in the Senate last month! House Democrats sent a Dear Colleague letter Thursday asking for others in their party to support a resolution that would honor the ending and removal of human life in the womb by creating a holiday to celebrate abortionists called National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day.

The letter was obtained via email in an exclusive story put out by The Daily Caller.

According to the report, this resolution “recognizes the importance of abortion providers and reproductive health professionals. It also thanks them for fighting to keep abortions available and accessible amid concerted attacks against reproductive rights.”

Original cosponsors of the bill include Democrat representatives Andy Levin of Michigan, Cori Bush of Missouri, Diana DeGette of Colorado, Pramila Jayapal of Washington, Barbara Lee of California and Nikema Williams of Georgia.

“Dear Colleague, I am writing to invite you to become a cosponsor of a resolution honoring abortion providers for National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, March 10. On March 10, 1993, Dr. David Gunn was murdered by an anti-abortion extremist outside his abortion clinic in Pensacola, FL. Since 1994, March 10 has become National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day to honor Dr. Gunn’s life and work,” the House Democrats wrote in the letter.

“This day represents an opportunity to show appreciation for the essential, high-quality care that abortion providers and clinic staff provide to their communities and to celebrate the courage, compassion, and dedication they bring to their work. My resolution recognizes the importance of abortion providers and reproductive health professionals,” the letter continues.

“It also thanks them for fighting to keep abortions available and accessible amid concerted attacks against reproductive rights. Please help us honor the incredibly vital work of abortion providers by joining us in recognizing National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day,” they added.

At least several Republicans slammed Democrats for even considering the idea, saying that abortion is not something to be promoted.

“I don’t care where you are on the issue, abortion is not something to be celebrated. It is the destruction of life, full stop. I’m at a loss for words that they want to celebrate such a barbaric practice, frankly,” Republican South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman exclusively told the Daily Caller.

Republican North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop also called out the insanity of the agenda.

“Every human life is sacred and deserves protection, especially the unborn. It’s appalling that Democrats find so much joy in ending human life that they’ll create an ‘abortion provider appreciation day.’ This is beyond ghoulish behavior,” Bishop told the Caller.

More on the story can be found by clicking here.

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