House Republicans Boot Globalist Chamber of Commerce From Strategy Talks Amidst Reconciliation

House Republicans have axed the corporate globalist lobbying arm, the Chamber of Commerce, from strategy talks amidst budget reconciliation.

Punchbowl News broke the story that the Congressional GOP is reportedly souring on the Chamber:

Commentator Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist pointed out that this is a long time coming considering the treacherous behavior of the Chamber in recent years to oppose America First policies:

Big League Politics has reported on how the Chamber of Commerce is fully onboard with the managed decline of America on the road to globalism as long as corporate profits remain protected:

The globalist lobbying powerhouse, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is pushing relentlessly to take jobs from American workers and give them to Afghan refugees.

The group announced their Coalition for Afghan Refugee Employment in the U.S. on Wednesday and will help Afghan refugees displace native-born Americans within the country’s workforce.

“The Coalition will harness the capabilities and networks of the Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Center and Hiring Our Heroes initiative. Aided by the Foundation’s unparalleled ability to convene employers for greater collective impact in communities across the country, the Coalition aims to connect tens of thousands of Afghan refugees with the U.S. Chamber Foundation’s network of employers and employment readiness services over the next six months,” they wrote in their press release announcing the program.

They also announced their work with Welcome.US, a propaganda campaign to sell the public on these Afghan refugees taking jobs from American workers. Their National Welcome Counsel will consist of globalists such as U.S. Chamber Foundation President Carolyn Cawley, Obama’s U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Bush’s U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Chobani CEO Hamdi Ulukaya.

Best-selling author and right-wing firebrand Michelle Malkin said that “this is what the evil Swamp traitors at the US Chamber of Open Borders Commerce are up to” while posting excerpts of the press release on social media.”

The rise of President Trump as the unquestioned leader of the Republican Party has smoked out groups like the Chamber and the many tentacles of the Koch Network as being on the side of the enemies of America. These controlled opposition groups may be more dangerous than the Democrats to the America First agenda considering their insidious nature.

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