House Republicans Stupidly Try To Cut Medicare, Social Security In Election Year

Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R.-Wis) (Screenshot from C-SPAN)

House Republicans continue to advocate against their own political interests, pushing a new budget bill that would make grave cuts to Medicare and Social Security in this 2018 midterm election year.

While the congressional Republicans believe their bill will balance the budget in nine years, it would also inflame the many middle-aged people and senior citizens who actually vote Republican. It is unclear if House Republican leadership actually cares at all about the people who vote for them, which gives the bill some hope of passing.

ThinkAdvisor reports: “The GOP’s Budget for a Brighter American Future seeks to, over the next decade, save $5.4 trillion on mandatory programs — including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — and includes reconciliation instructions for 11 House authorizing committees to find at least $302 billion in deficit reduction. Reconciliation allows expedited passage of certain budgetary legislation on spending, revenues and the federal debt limit with a simple majority vote in both the House (218 votes) and Senate (51 votes). The House Budget Committee plans to start marking up the legislation on Wednesday and Thursday, and pass it out of committee.  A vote by the full House could come next week.”

Not good.

Fortunately, President Donald Trump has no plans to cut Social Security or Medicare, as he stressed on the campaign trail. Trump scored major points against his Republican opponents in the Wisconsin primary by vowing, “You’ll get your Social Security cut by Cruz or Kasich.” Trump carried that message to primary wins in New York and Indiana, sealing his win.

Paul Ryan, the collectivist, wants to cut Social Security and Medicare. In fact, he ran an entire national vice-presidential campaign on that politically disastrous premise, which was the most mind-bogglingly stupid platform in an election ever.

Ryan then turned around and passed $1 trillion-plus omnibus bills as House Speaker that fund Planned Parenthood and all kinds of other damaging or meaningless things. Why does the government seem dead-set on giving welfare benefits to illegal aliens and funding abortion, but then claiming that senior citizens who have paid into the system for years suddenly have to lose their own government checks?

Until Republicans actually get serious about cutting federal spending, their designs on Medicare and Social Security do absolutely nothing to solve our debt-ridden financial situation, they merely take money out of the pockets of people who are already getting disenfranchised by our government in every conceivable sense.

The Swamp makes no sense.

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