How the DOJ’s ‘Community Relations Service’ Ministry Uses Propaganda to Minimize Anti-White Terror

A little-known Department of Justice (DOJ) branch has been coordinating crisis responses and holding indoctrination exercises following anti-white terror incidents, in order to shield the cult of diversity and multiculturalism from well-deserved reprisal.

The DOJ branch, known as the Community Relations Service (CRS), snaps into action during an anti-white terror episode to make sure that broader questions about crime, culture and society are never broached by the victims to keep the status quo of civilization destruction and degradation going as planned.

“CRS serves as “America’s Peacemaker” for communities facing conflict based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. CRS works toward its mission by providing facilitated dialogue, mediation, training, and consultation to assist these communities to come together, develop solutions to the conflict, and enhance their capacity to independently prevent and resolve future conflict,” the CRS states on their website.

“All CRS services are confidential and provided on a voluntary basis, free of charge to the communities. CRS is not an investigatory or prosecutorial agency and does not have any law enforcement authority. CRS works with all parties to develop solutions to conflict and serves as a neutral party,” the CRS continues.

A case study from Lewiston, Maine – a city besieged by Somali migrants trafficked into the country with federal dollars through the refugee resettlement program – demonstrates the pernicious influence of the CRS.

“Low-level tensions escalated in June 2018 when a fight erupted between white and immigrant residents over claims to Kennedy Park, a local gathering place. Tensions between the two groups simmered for several weeks. The situation culminated in a fight in which a white male died after being struck by a rock. State police believe race played a factor in the fight,” CRS wrote.

As a result, “community leaders and city officials requested a City-Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (City-SPIRIT) program for Lewiston and neighboring Auburn to address community tensions” and “CRS formed a working group and provided the group consultation services to help plan the City-SPIRIT program.”

“In homogenous groups, participants identified issues impacting their community, including unspoken community tension and the need for more education on Islamic culture and practices. Then, participants re-formed into seven heterogeneous groups to develop solutions unique to their community, intended to reduce conflict, improve communication, and minimize the potential for future tensions. These proposed ideas included increased funding for English as a Second Language (ESL) training, creation of a cross-cultural community center, and cross-cultural events at schools and throughout the community to share different traditions, foods, and languages,” the CRS wrote of their program sweeping the anti-white terror under the rug.

The vicious Somali who bludgeoned the white man to death with a rock would go on to receive only 9 months in prison.

Organizations like CRS enable the soft genocide that is ongoing in America. They want the U.S. to become like South Africa, and it is headed in that direction quickly.

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