HRC Still Teasing Presidential Run in Address to Women’s Conference

Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton spoke to the MAKERs women’s conference via a pre-recorded video message, in which she encouraged women to run for office, and kept speculation alive that she might make a third presidential run in 2020.
“Hello, MAKERS. I wish I could be there with you because this is such an important time.More than at any other point in my life, women are coming together to tackle big problems and rewrite old rules.
I am energized and encouraged by the diverse group of women everywhere who are speaking out. Speaking out against inequality, and bigotry, and racism, and homophobia, and organizing to create change in their communities and our country, refusing to give in to cynicism or fear.
You know, the tidal wave of women and young people running for office is helping to build an America that’s not only kinder, fairer, bigger-hearted, but safer, stronger and more secure.
And as Speaker Nancy Pelosi – doesn’t sound that great – has proved yet again, it often takes a woman to get the job done.
This is a pivotal moment, and all together, I believe, there is nothing we can’t do. So, here’s to the work ahead. And I look forward to working with you every step of the way.”
According to its website, “MAKERS is a media brand that exists to accelerate the women’s movement, through stories of real-life experiences that ignite passion and action.”
Two weeks ago, CNN’s Jeff Zeleny said that Clinton has not ruled out a 2020 run.
I’m told by three people that as recently as this week, she was telling people that look, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying ‘look, I’m not closing the doors to this,'” Zeleny said.
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