Huckabee: FBI Agents Who Secretly Investigated Trump Should Be Prosecuted

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee said on Fox News that the FBI leaders who secretly investigated President Trump after James Comey’s firing should be prosecuted.
“I’m really hoping that there will be people truly held accountable. Not just fired, but I’m talking about truly held accountable, and some need to be prosecuted for using their positions as a political weapon against elected officials,” Huckabee said.
I reported for Big League Politics:
James Comey’s friend, Columbia University professor Daniel Richman, leaked classified information that Comey gave him. During this leaking period, Richman was apartment-building neighbors with a partner at the law firm that strategized with Fusion GPS operative Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian plant who set up Don Jr. in Trump Tower.
“Yes, he is my neighbor,” Amy Wenzel, a partner at Cozen O’Connor, confirmed in a phone conversation with Big League Politics, confirming that they spoke. They live near each other in a Brooklyn high-rise.
Cozen O’Connor managing partner and former Obama administration official Howard Schweitzer is listed here on a DOJ form from an investigation into the breaking of lobbying laws by Russians trying to repeal the Magnitsky Act — which was just a front to get Russians in the room with Don Jr. It turns out that Natalia Veselnitskaya was actually operating out of the Cozen O’Connor offices.