Hungary Seeking Constitutional Amendment to Prevent Gay Couples from Adopting and Protect Children from Transgenderism

The Hungarian Parliament is considering a constitutional amendment that would effectively prevent gay couples from adopting children and protect the gender identity that children were born with.
The amendment would allow only opposite-sex married couples to adopt children, with case-by-case exceptions made by Minister of Family Affairs Katalin Novák. It also declares that the government will protect the right of children “to the gender identity they were born with.”
Children ought to be raised “in accordance with the values based on our homeland’s constitutional identity and Christian culture” and “the basis for family relations is marriage,” says the amendment. “The mother is a woman, the father is a man.”
Draft language of the amendment was submitted to parliament by Justice Minister Judit Varga.
Big League Politics reported on November 20 that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called out George Soros as “one of the most corrupt people in the world”:
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called out globalist oligarch George Soros in an interview with Kossuth Radio on Friday, identifying the Hungarian-born financier as “one of the most corrupt people in the world.”
Orbán pointed to Soros as a key figure in the push to sanction Hungary and Poland within the European Union. Liberal countries have sought to crack down on the central European nations for their tough approach to immigration, political correctness, gender ideology and globalism.
“George Soros is threatening Hungary and Poland,” PM Orbán said. “George Soros is one of the most corrupt people in the world; he has plenty of politicians in his pocket who now want to blackmail Hungary and Poland for access to EU funds.”
Soros recently penned an op-ed demanding that EU member states exclude Hungary and Poland from budgetary proceedings in the European Parliament. This defies any claim that the political union has in regards to democracy, tacitly silencing two longtime members of the EU that have as many rights within the body as any other nation.
Soros is pushing for the European Parliament to dictate the EU’s annual budget with a two-thirds majority. Previously, unanimous consent was required from the EU’s 27 member states.
Hungary’s commitment to a baseline level of social conservatism shows just how far the rest of the West has fallen. God bless Prime Minister Orbán and the Hungarian Parliament for that commitment in the face of widespread globalist opposition.