Hunter Biden on the Verge of Indictment

acaben, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, was recently on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo. Jordan suggested during the interview that it “sure seems” like Hunter Biden is on the verge of indictment.

Bartiromo got right to the heart of the issue, asking, “is Hunter on the verge of being indicted? What would that mean for his father, President Joe Biden?”

Jordan hesitantly replied, “I don’t know,” but went on to add substance to his answer, asserting that “it sure seems that way.

Commenting on two Washington Post articles mentioned earlier, the Ohio congressman observed that the two long pieces published by the paper were released only four minutes apart, noting this rapid coverage originating “from the news organization that, 18 months ago, ‘there was no story here’; ‘this is Russian disinformation.’”

Jordan went on with a scathing recap, detailing the evolution of a lie told to the American people by the media, intelligence community and a long line of officials from what seemed like every part of the U.S. government:

It started off as: ‘Oh, it wasn’t his laptop.’ Then, it was: ‘Well, it was his laptop. But it was Russian disinformation.’ Now, it’s: ‘No, it wasn’t Russian disinformation. But Joe had nothing to do with it.’ And now, finally, it’s: ‘Well, Joe had something to do with it, but he really didn’t do anything wrong.’ In fact, that’s what his chief of staff, Ron Klain, told us last Sunday on the Sunday show.



After skewering the media for its malfeasance in suppressing the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Bartiromo brought up the infamous Tony Bobulinski email that directly implicates President Joe Biden in his son’s financial dealings.

Jordan held his response, as Bartiromo, clearly outraged by the scandal, went on to highlight a recent New York Post article. In the article, Hunter is quoted saying that he has been paying “the family bills” for 30 years; the article also referred to opportunities to make significant financial gains given to Hunter in exchange for commissions as high as 50% paid to “the big guy.”

She went on to assert that, taken together, all of this suggests that this is “likely a Joe Biden story, not a Hunter Biden story.” and that “Hunter Biden on the verge of indictment”.

Jordan replied, “it sure looks like Joe Biden was involved. This was a family operation, including his uncle …”

Bringing the conversation to China, Jordan mentioned the bombshell story revealing that, despite Biden’s denials during the presidential debates, Hunter was, in fact, taking money from business interests with connections to China — $4.8 million from CEFC, a Chinese energy company.

We hear from our politicians and media that right wing conspiracies abound. But, as Jordan put it in his interview, “the real conspiracy here was the Democrats, Big Tech and Big Media keeping this story from the American people just days before the most important election we have.”

This conspiracy will be difficult to hide now, as new stories are coming out constantly about the contents of Hunter’s laptop.

At one point in the interview, Bartiromo shows a picture of the New York Post’s recent front page, on which is listed the 50 former intelligence officials who leveraged their authority to deceive every single American voter.

John Brennan and James Clapper both appear on the cover. Both have spent years in the media attacking Trump as a threat to democracy. But we now see that they were the real threats.

At this point, it shouldn’t be hard for anyone to see what’s going on. The media, federal law enforcement and Big Tech oligarchs worked in unison to suppress this story about a criminal family that now controls an entire branch of our government.

Stay tuned. This story will continue to develop.


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