HYPOCRISY: Disney Threatened to Boycott Georgia Over Pro-Life Law, But Ignores China’s Concentration Camps

Last year, former Disney CEO Bob Iger threatened the people of Georgia. He told Georgians that if legislation were passed and signed into law protecting the life of the unborn, the state could lose their business.

“I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. Right now we are watching it very carefully,” Iger said.

Disney had filmed major motion pictures in Georgia in recent years, such as Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame in the state of Georgia. This threat carried significant weight as Disney attempted to use their power and privilege to undermine the democratic process.

“I don’t see how it’s practical for us to continue to shoot there,” Iger added.

While Disney may hate traditional values and hold contempt for Christians, they don’t have a similar disdain for the authoritarian communists of China. The corporation is in hot water because they filmed their newly-released movie, Mulan, in the Xinjiang Province of China, where Muslim Uighurs are reportedly holed up in concentration camps.

In the credits of the movie, Disney even offered a “special thanks” to eight government bureaucracies in Xinping, including Turpan’s public security bureau. This is the entity that is widely believed to punish religious dissidents in concentration camps.

Disney is taking considerable flak for colluding with the ruthless Chinese regime:

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) pointed out Disney’s flagrant hypocrisy in a Twitter post:

Big League Politics has reported on other reprehensible actions by Disney, a once wholesome corporation that has sold America down the river:

The LGBT agenda is being disseminated through the mass media much more frequently, and Disney is happy to do the agenda’s bidding as children are being groomed and indoctrinated by this community.

The latest example of this phenomenon comes on the Disney Channel program DuckTales. A character on the show, Violet was revealed as having two gay dads on the season three premiere of the program.

According to the pro-LGBT propaganda mill Pink News, DuckTales executive Frank Angones referenced Violet’s two gay dads in a Tumblr post last year.

“As with all of our characters, we had a lot of conversations about who Violet was and what her background was and came up with this fun notion of her too enthusiastic, overly supportive dads who love being dads,” Angones wrote in Nov. 2018.

“We didn’t really have a story built around them, but when the time came for an episode focusing on Huey and Violet in a particular situation, it made sense that they would be there,” he added.

Angones used the LGBT newspeak in his blog post to indicate that he is apart of the child-focused “movement.”

“I’m well aware that the ‘queer representation through parents and background characters’ trope is an issue, and we’ve sort of stumbled backwards into a lot of heteronormative romances in this show,” he wrote.

Angones mentioned that there are “specific hoops you have to jump through to make changes to established Disney characters” and then added: “That’s really no excuse… we really have not done enough relevant LGBTQ+ rep.”

“We do have some themes and ideas coming up that address relevant LGBTQ+ narratives. But there’s always opportunity for a lot more; I don’t want a cop out and a cookie for saying ‘look at this one thing we did!” he wrote.

Angones confirmed that there will be similar propaganda in children’s programming on the Disney Channel in the years to come, as the LGBT agenda tries to lure precocious kids into their way of life.

“I know this response is a bit of a bummer, but I didn’t want to lead anyone on. But please believe, as I’ve said before, I’m dedicated to being better and finding new opportunities for three dimensional representation, on this show and the next and the next,” he wrote.

By warping the values of children, Disney is one of the most insidious and subversive globalist corporations waging destruction against the American way of life.

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