HYPOCRISY: WaPo Hack Jennifer Rubin Calls for Kentucky Dems to Hit the Streets Over Bevin After Cheering Stacey Abrams’ Election Fraud Conspiracies Last Year

Jennifer Rubin, a neoconservative Washington Post columnist who has been one of the most outspoken critics of President Donald Trump, called for Kentucky Democrats to hit the streets over Republican Governor Matt Bevin being unwilling to concede following Tuesday’s tightly contested election.
Bevin reportedly lost to his opponent Attorney General Andy Beshear by a mere 4,658 votes, or 0.3 percentage points. He has not conceded in the race, even though Beshear and the mainstream media are proclaiming him the winner.
“We want the process to be followed, and there is a process,” Bevin said, adding that there may be reports of “irregularities” that skewed the vote totals.
“My expectation is that he [Bevin] will honor the election that was held tonight,” Beshear said. “That he will help us make this transition. And I’ll tell you what, we will be ready for that first day in office, and I look forward to it.”
Rubin believes Bevin’s unwillingness to fold to the Democratic Party machine is “authoritarian” and “anti-democratic,” however, she cheered on failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams when she behaved in a similar manner following her loss in last year’s election in Georgia.
Abrams still maintains that she was the rightful winner of the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election against Brian Kemp, despite the fact that he is the governor of the state right now. She continues to peddle lies about electoral fraud that does not exist in order to keep her fantasies alive.
“I’m here to tell you a secret that makes Breitbart and [Fox News host] Tucker Carlson go crazy: We won,” Abrams said, according to The Houston Chronicle, in May. “I am not delusional. I know I am not the governor of Georgia — possibly yet.”
“We don’t have to concede elections anymore, because when we concede, we are condoning systems that are used to oppress us,” she said, according to a Texas Tribune reporter.
This is the type of erratic behavior that Rubin encourages because of her anti-Trump hate agenda, while suggesting that Republican politicians like Bevin engaging in skepticism over razor-thin electoral margins is somehow beyond the pale.
Rubin regularly writes deranged missives for the Post, including her suggestion earlier this year that Attorney General William Barr should be impeached for reigning in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s fishing expedition of a Russian collusion investigation.
“There is no logical reason that Trump would be going to such efforts to keep everyone else from knowing what he told Putin if there was not something embarrassing/incriminating. Otherwise, those records would be essential for his own senior staff,” she said.
Rubin also called for all Republicans who stand against gun control and support the National Rifle Association to be voted out of office following the Parkland school shooting last year.
That would mean R’s don’t care about children, just staying on NRA’s good side?!? Mercy me. Good thing they can all be voted out
— Jennifer 'pro-reality' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) March 10, 2018
While Rubin was once able to act like a conservative during the era of globalist George W. Bush, those days are long gone. This neocon has been exposed as an enemy of the truth who will peddle any lie to prevent President Trump’s “America First” agenda from coming to fruition.