Idaho Teachers Exposed for Teaching ‘Porn Literacy’ to Students; Health and Welfare Office Issues Denial

The Idaho state education system is being exposed for teaching “porn literacy” to students while the state health and welfare office denies it is happening even as teachers brag about what they are inflicting upon children.

The Idaho Freedom Foundation released shocking video of the teachers bragging about how they teach children that watching pornography is fine and natural and encouraging the practice among elementary school kids:

The “porn literacy” courses are administered through a nonprofit called ETR (Education, Training and Research), which partners with Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) to provide sexual education to children.

“Idaho law requires sex education taught in public schools to reinforce traditional family arrangements. IDHW promotes what Idaho law prohibits, however. IDHW takes funds from federal programs like the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) and Title V Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE). Then, IDHW acquires sex education products from non-profits like Education, Training and Research (ETR), whose curriculum is developed and endorsed by Planned Parenthood,” the Idaho Freedom Foundation explained in their report about these depraved education directives.

“ETR’s Reducing the Risk curriculum promises to teach abstinence. Instead, ETR delivers a variety of approaches, including a “LGBTQ Inclusive” curriculum that queers education with an emphasis on “gender identity, sexual orientation and behavior.” ETR also advocates for teaching elementary students about “porn literacy,” which involves instruction on ‘kink and power, pleasure, sexual identity, sexual acts, and sexual exploration in relation to pornography,'” they continued.

“For ETR, pornography consumption is a “required topic” in sex education. Though, as ETR admits, “the evidence is largely unclear whether sexually explicit media use influences future sexual health among adolescents.” Introducing graphic sexual content into elementary schools creates opens minds and prepares students for sexual activity,” the Idaho Freedom Foundation added.

In spite of the great deal of evidence compiled by the Idaho Freedom Foundation proving that “porn literacy” and other perverted lessons are being taught to children, the IDHW is staunchly denying the claims.

“The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare does not support or fund any “porn literacy” for children in Idaho. DHW provides evidence-based, optional sex education curriculum, called Reducing the Risk, for Idaho schools. Reducing the Risk does not discuss porn literacy, and it is not a subject taught in the curriculum DHW provides. DHW does not collaborate with or seek the endorsement of Planned Parenthood for sex education curriculum,” the IDHW stated in their response to the allegations.

Just like with critical race theory, the bureaucrats have been trained to say it doesn’t exist after being exposed. The reality is these Marxist educators believe your children are their property and will shamelessly use deception to expose them to their warped ideologies and ideas.

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