Illegal Arrested for Murder After Sanctuary Policy Protected Him from Deportation NINE TIMES

An illegal alien whom Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) tried to deport nine times has been arrested for murder in California.

“Suspect Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza, a Salvadorian national, was arrested Monday and booked into jail for murder,” according to NBC Bay Area. “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said agents tried to deport Carranza nine times before, but their detainers were not honored in both Los Angeles and Santa Clara counties.”

The report said that ICE was not notified any of the times that Carranza was released from custody, which is typical of sanctuary city policies. Carranza already has several felony convictions on his criminal record.

“In Santa Clara County alone, Carranza has prior convictions for kidnapping, drug possession, battery on a police officer, trespassing and burglary. Carranza was diagnosed with psychosis back in 2016, according to a source,” the report said.

He allegedly murdered 59-year-old Bambi Larson, who police found stabbed multiple times in her South San Jose home.

ICE was displeased with the way the state handled Carranza’s previous convictions, and it’s lack of willingness to work with the federal law enforcement agency?

“How many more people have to be killed or injured before California lawmakers will open discussions to revise the state policy prohibiting local law enforcement agencies from working with ICE to apprehend dangerous criminal aliens?” said Erik Bonnar, an acting field office director for ICE.

“It’s unfortunate that our communities face dangerous consequences because of inflexible state laws that protect criminal aliens. These sanctuary policies have unintended, but very real, and often tragic consequences to public safety.”

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