INTEL SOURCES: Roger Stone Indictment Shows Evidence of FBI Hack of Trump Campaign

Matthew Colter Hurtt, Facebook

A former member of the U.S. Foreign Counter Intelligence community explains how the Roger Stone indictment demonstrates evidence of FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign, which could prove illegal evidence-gathering procedures in the Stone case.


“The indictment of Roger Stone may help explain the insurance policy that Peter Strzok was talking to Lisa Page about in August of 2016.  In the indictment, on page 17 section 35 titled STONE’s False and Misleading Testimony About Communications with the Trump Campaign, there is a very curious admission.  It talks about insider knowledge of numerous communications in the Trump Campaign.

In truth and in fact, and as described above, STONE spoke to multiple individuals involved in the Trump Campaign…. and a. On multiple occasions, STONE told senior Trump Campaign officials….

This is important because it highlights the question, did the FBI or CIA use Stefan Halper or Joseph Mifsud to hack the Trump Campaign’s emails?  Stefan Halper, who is widely reported by most news organizations as a spy/source for the CIA/FBI, emailed Carter Page, George Papadopoulus and Sam Clovis of the Trump Campaign. Sam Clovis even reported to Tucker Carlson in May of 2018 that he received emails from Stefan Halper with attachments in 2016.  The indictment of Papadopoulus references numerous communications with the professor.  Joseph Mifsud has been reported as the professor and as a possible British spy.  Did these email communications have spy software attached and did Peter strzok’s August 1st 2016 trip to London involve him passing anything to Halper?”


BLP reported:

Longtime President Trump political adviser Roger Stone reveals that he was the victim of a set-up meeting by a Russian using a fake Western name — but he did not fall for it.

More details are coming out about the Crossfire Hurricane plot to target members of President Trump’s team with fake Russian meetings in order to trigger surveillance measures. The FBI is facing massive criticism after the New York Times reported that the FBI launched a quiet investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax after James Comey’s firing.

“By way of example, as you know, back in June I sent this Committee a letter regarding a longtime FBI informant named Gennadiy Vasilievich Vostretsov who, under the alias “Henry Greenberg”, was sent to approach my client in May 2016 with claims of having access to information that could impact the election,” writes Stone’s attorney Grant Smith in a letter to Rep. Devin Nunes.

“Mr. Stone not only immediately and forcefully declined to participate in anything this FBI informant was proposing, but never saw or spoke to the informant again. Mr. Stone believes it highly likely that Mr. Vostretsov/Greenberg’s status as an FBI informant was not “former”, and that Vostretsov/Greenberg was, in fact, actively working on behalf of the FBI at the time of their meeting, acting upon a calculated effort to entrap Mr. Stone and, further, to infiltrate and compromise the Trump effort. Notably, Vostretsov was admitted to the country nine separate times on an FBI Informant’s visa,” Smith writes on Stone’s behalf.

Stone is demanding that the full transcript of his interview with the House Intelligence Committee be released to the public to prove once and for all that Stone did not collude with the Russians during the 2016 presidential election.

Roger went the extra mile to prepare for his testimony

The Republican strategist also accuses Democrat California congressman and presidential aspirant Eric Swalwell of lying to create the narrative that Stone changed his testimony.

“Congressman Eric Swalwell told MSNBC that I lied to the House Intelligence Committee and that I ‘amended’ my testimony three times. This is categorically false,” Stone said in a statement provided to Big League Politics.

The Intelligence Committee voted to release the transcript of Stone’s behind-closed-doors interview to Robert Mueller’s office, but the transcript has still not been provided to the public, and the clock is ticking for the outgoing Republican majority to publicize the document. (READ: How Deep State ‘Journalist’ Michael Isikoff Has Been Setting Up Mueller’s Enemies For Years).

“Nunes has not released the transcript. I am not allowed to inspect it. They are not allowed to take notes. It’s four and a half hours long and is maintained in a secure room in the US House of Representatives,” Stone told Big League Politics in an interview.

“Mueller’s request for a copy is the result of a one year campaign of distortion and disinformation by Adam Schiff and the Schiff-heads. Portions of my testimony have been linked to by Natasha Bertrand of the Atlantic which is a direct violation of law,” Stone said.

“My testimony is entirely accurate and truthful and to the extent that I made errors in memory they are all memories to my benefit — meaning, I failed to recall information that was entirely exculpatory,” Stone said. Stone asserts that Randy Credico was his source on the story that Julian Assange planned to leak Democrat emails, not Assange himself. Stone has released his text messages with Credico.

Stone wanted to testify publicly, but the Intelligence Committee would not let him do so. It is highly unlikely that Mueller will publish any information that vindicates Stone, due to the special counsel’s determined crusade to keep the “Russia” collusion narrative going without any evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.

Stone recently passed a lie-detector test regarding the Russia-themed allegations against him.

Here is Stone’s interview with Big League Politics in which he walks through the entire case and asserts that he never communicated with Julian Assange, who also has never been found to have colluded with the Russians when leaking Democrat emails during the 2016 campaign.

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