Iraqi Refugee Exposed as ISIS Member and Murderer Arrested in California

A member of the Islamic State terrorist organization linked to the murder of an Iraqi police officer was arrested in Sacramento today, after it was revealed that he infiltrated the United States while claiming refugee status.
The Department of Justice announced that Omar Abdulsattar Ameen appeared before a federal judge on Wednesday, after the United States acted upon an extradition request filed by the government of Iraq in regards to the matter.
Ameen is accused of murdering an Iraqi police officer while acting in support of the Islamic State’s military operations shortly after the terrorist group seized the major Iraqi city of Mosul in 2014. The Iraqi request for extradition accuses Ameen of leading a convoy that arrived in the town of Rawah and assaulted the home of a police officer named Ishan Abdulhafiz Jasim, with Ameen personally executing the man after he was incapacitated in the attack.
Apparently he fled the country after participating in the murder. The Iraqi extradition documents also link Ameen to a lengthy list of terrorist activities both with ISIS and with its predecessor, Islamic State in Iraq, stretching back all the way to 2006. It’s possible, based upon the time frame of offenses committed by Ameen, that he participated in the insurgency against U.S military personnel who were present in the country at that time, especially considering Iraqi documents link him to utilizing and planting improvised explosive devices.
A memorandum released with the DOJ announcement describes Ameen as first applying for refugee status with the United States shortly after arriving in Turkey around April 2012(later returning to Iraq to commit the murder alleged in the extradition request), claiming that his father had been killed for cooperating with the American military.
In reality, his father, among many other members of his family, were involved with al-Qaeda in Iraq. This false claim would go on to serve as the basis for the acceptance of Ameen’s refugee status by the U.S government. Ameen first arrived in the United States in November 2014- just five months after committing a murder with ISIS.
If Ameen had secured permanent residence, it would mean a hardened and experienced terrorist would have free reign to plot further criminal actions against his unwitting hosts. A request for information on Ameen’s travels from the Republic of Iraq to the United States was sent to the Embassy of Iraq, and the story remains developing at this time.