Is Ann Coulter in Donald Trump’s Head?

President Donald Trump has gone in a more establishment-oriented direction recently by changing his tune on immigration and stalling efforts to prevent Big Tech censorship, and columnist Ann Coulter has frequently taken him to task for it.
Trump proposes amnesty. We voted for Trump and got Jeb!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 19, 2019
Dems demanding documents from Ivanka. They need to be more specific. She is a VERY high powered woman. Do they want documents on belts and handbags? Or shoes? If so, pumps or stilettos?
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) March 6, 2019
Yes, he's getting what he wants. Too bad the people who supported @realDonaldTrump aren't.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) March 9, 2019
The frequent criticism is apparently getting to Trump, who may not even realize that he is fracturing his own base heading into 2020 with his recent puzzling decisions.
But it is not just Ann Coulter who has noticed Trump’s about face on immigration and other key issues. Trump is getting called out by many more of his most dedicated supporters as well, particularly ones who have built up a massive amount of credibility over the years on the border issue.
The Trump White House loses it’s way.
— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) March 7, 2019
“I would certainly hope, that in order to keep his campaign promises that before even talking about expanding legal immigration, he would work with employers to recruit the 50 million working-age Americans who are outside the labor market,” Jenks said.
— NumbersUSA (@NumbersUSA) March 7, 2019
Strong economy + tight labor market = more jobs & higher wages for American workers.
If anyone should know this, it's @realDonaldTrump. Enough with the labor shortage nonsense.
— FAIR (@FAIRImmigration) March 7, 2019
It is not just the experts who are realizing that Trump has lost his way. The voters in rust belt states that will likely decide the 2020 presidential election are getting tired of Trump neglecting his promises to American workers.
The Detroit Free Press reports on the bad news for Trump coming out of the Wolverine State:
“A new poll has more bad news for President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election hopes in Michigan, showing that more than half of those surveyed either plan to vote for someone else or are considering doing so next year…
The poll indicates that:
• Nearly half, 49 percent, of respondents in Michigan say they will definitely vote to replace Trump and another 16 percent say they will consider voting for someone else. Only 31 percent said they will definitely vote to re-elect Trump.
• Self-described independent voters are driving down Trump’s numbers. Among independents, 44 percent say they will definitely vote for someone else and 27 percent say they will consider backing another candidate, while only 18 percent say they would definitely vote to re-elect.
• Meanwhile, 57 percent of women say they will vote for someone else and 17 percent say they will consider another candidate, compared with 41 percent of men who say they will vote for someone else and 14 percent who say they will consider someone else.
• And while 67 percent of Republican voters said they would vote to re-elect Trump, that is well below the 80 percent of Republicans who believe he is doing a good or excellent job as president. Seventy-four percent of Republican men say they will definitely vote to re-elect Trump, but only 59 percent of Republican women agree.”
While Trump may rage out at Coulter, it could be because he knows deep down that she is telling the truth. Coulter may be in Trump’s head, but it does not have to be this way. Trump can just remember his mandate and get back to ‘America First’ at any time. It would be his best chance to win in 2020 when the Democrats will certainly be playing for keeps.