Italian Populist Youth Group Praises Trump for His Peace Efforts

The Lega Giovani, the youth branch of Salvini’s Lega party, announced its support in nominating President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Due to Trump’s efforts in brokering peace deals between Gulf Arab states and Israel, one Norwegian lawmaker Christian Tybring-Gjedde nominated the president for the Nobel Peace prize.
In a statement, Luca Toccalini, a member of the Italian Parliament and Chairman of Lega Giovani, declared that the “globalist left is losing its mind, scared by the outcome of the upcoming American elections, and this latest news decisively increased their worries.”
Toccalini added that Lega Giovani “strongly” supports the “nomination of President Donald Trump, a just reward for the continued dedication of his administration for lasting peace with a bilateral and multi polar approach.”
The populist Italian member of Parliament noted how Trump’s Middle East agenda has contrasted with Obama’s:
After a decade of turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa, sponsored by a globalist agenda and President Obama’s dreams of revolution, the last 4 years have seen great improvement for the stability in our neighbourhood which has also helped Europe.
Toccalini concluded:
Wishing four more years of peace and greatness, as Lega Giavani we strongly support Donald J. Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Matteo Salvini and Lega have led the way in putting populism on the map throughout Europe. Salvini broke the mold by implementing pro-gun reforms in 2018 and 2019. What seems like a concept that is only confined to the U.S., now the right to bear arms is starting to enter the conversation in Europe. Political organizations like Lega have undoubtedly changed political discourse in Italian politics and Europe, for that matter.
Youth organizations such as Lega Giovani will play a substantial role in spreading Lega’s message and educating younger generations of Italians and preparing them to be the new populist vanguard of an ever-changing European polity.
The message can be read here.