IT’S OFFICIAL: Governor DeSantis Suspends Sheriff Israel ‘Effective Immediately’

Republican governor Ron DeSantis of Florida suspended Broward County sheriff Scott Israel Friday.
Scott Israel, who oversaw the law enforcement’s handling of the Parkland shooting, is closely linked to high-profile Democrats. He will no longer serve as sheriff in that county:
“Effective immediately, I am officially suspending Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for his repeated failures, incompetence and neglect of duty,” Governor DeSantis stated Friday.
Police audiotapes of the Parkland shooting — in which one of Israel’s deputies stood outside as the shooting occurred — are necessary for brave people to listen to.
Israel is known for his associations with Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and other Democrats.
A video has surfaced of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel attending a meeting of Muslims, where both Israel and one of his deputies spoke in Arabic. The deputy said that Israel pledged to keep young people out of jail and to put “God first, your family second and the community third.”
“I want to testify before you brothers and sisters because it’s important for you to hear from us,” the deputy Nezar Hamze said before speaking Arabic in the July 2015 Darul Uhloom meeting.