IT’S OFFICIAL: Virginia State Legislature Approves Bill Ending Protections for Confederate Monuments
The Cultural Marxist agenda to destroy U.S. history lurches forward, as the Virginia state legislature has officially approved a bill to destroy existing protections for confederate historical monuments.
The House and Senate came together to approve compromise legislation on Sunday, meaning that Confederate monuments will now be in the cross-hairs of the radical Left throughout the state.
“My family has lived with the trauma of slavery for generations. I hope that you understand that this is a situation that’s so much deeper than a simple vote on simple war memorials,” said Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, the African-American Democrat official who has been repeatedly accused of sexual assault.
Republican state senator Amanda Chase, who is also running for governor, believes that history should not be destroyed just because slavery is bad.
“But it doesn’t mean that we take all of these monuments down,” she said. “We remember our past, and we learn from it.”
While the measure paves the way for the removal of the Confederate monuments, it does require a public hearing before a vote to remove a monument. This will make it more difficult for leftists to sneak through these measures in the dead of night without so much as listening to their constituents.
Governor Ralph Northam, the infamous racist who appeared in blackface and was nicknamed “Coonman” in college, has taken to desecrating heroic Confederate ancestors in order to make up for his own past bigotry. Northam has been out in front supporting the removal of protections for these historic monuments.
He said earlier this year that we need “more comprehensive and [the] inclusive story of the past, teaching history that accurately reflects the stories and experiences of everyone.”
“When we tell a fuller more inclusive story of our past, we can better address how that past affects our future,” Northam said.
“Our communities must be the ones to decide what best represents who they are today,” Northam added.
He has also taken aim at Confederate General Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest military generals in the history of mankind, to piss on the valiant legacy of the man who put his life, liberty and sacred honor on the line for Virginia in order to score points with the Marxist jackals.
“Robert E. Lee represents a painful and divisive past,” Northam said. “We will recommend a replacement that better represents the modern, diverse inclusive state our Commonwealth is today.”
The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus is thrilled at this movement and other legislative developments, such as Draconian unconstitutional gun control.
“We’ve never had this kind of success,” said Del. Lamont Bagby, chairman of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus. “We haven’t had as many bills. And we haven’t had this many significantly important bills.”
Virginia is a peak into the future of the country after demographics are skewed. It means radical socialism, an unholy desecration of historical ancestors (particularly the Founding Fathers), and the Bill of Rights and Constitution will be no more. This is the new regime that diversity and multiculturalism are bringing to the former land of the free.