Ivanka Snags $100 Million in Federal Funds for Social Justice Project

As President Donald Trump capitulates on key issues such as immigration and tech censorship heading into 2020, it is becoming more obvious that his senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner is in charge of a vast swath of administration policy. A report that Ivanka will be receiving a cool $100 million in taxpayer funds from the federal budget for her social justice project lends even more credence to the notion that Kushner is pulling the strings.

NBC News broke the story that should alarm enemies of globalism and proponents of fiscal responsibility. Ivanka’s globalist pro-feminism organization, the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, will be receiving $100 million if Trump’s proposed budget is approved by Congress. It aims to give use government force to propel women out of the household into the workplace abroad. The exporting of feminism to far away lands is now a priority for the Trump administration.

“Women’s economic empowerment and equality exist in the workforce when women receive the same market-relevant education and vocational opportunities as men and boys, and, once in the workforce, have the ability to organize work for enhanced productivity and compete on equal terms for job openings, advancement, and retention with equal pay for work,” reads the White House description of Ivanka’s globalist feminist initiative.

A White House official told NBC News that funding for Ivanka’s project will come through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). This was an agency that Trump had initially proposed to cut, but now under the iron-fisted rule of President Kushner, the welfare will be expanded greatly for the leftist cause of feminism.

“We are going to propose to reduce foreign aid, and we are going to propose to spend that money here,” budget director Mick Mulvaney said on FOX News describing Trump’s ‘America First’ budget back in 2017.

The administration once paid lip service to fiscal responsibility but no longer. However, the flip-flop has earned Trump some good press from the entity that would have preferred if Jeb Bush were in the White House right now, FOX News.

The notion of draining the swamp is looking more far-fetched by the day. As Trump’s Department of Justice protects Big Tech and “legal” immigrants are permitted to flood the country to boost multinational profits while Ivanka spreads social justice globally, it is clear that the usual gang of establishment insiders are once again in control. Kushner, whose family operates their business from a building located at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York City, could not be happier.

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