James Comey Used Private Email Account And Deleted His Emails
Fired former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey used a private email account for government business while he was supposedly investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account and server for government business. Comey also deleted his Gmail messages.
This revelation comes courtesy of the Michael Horowitz inspector general report, which finally came out Thursday after a long round of editing by some of the people named in the report.
“We identified numerous instances in which Comey used a personal email account (Gmail account) to conduct FBI business. We cite five examples of such use in this section,” according to the inspector general report (page 425).
The report states: “We asked Comey about his use of personal email for FBI business and showed him the November 8, 2016 email with Rybicki as an example. Comey stated:
“I did not have an unclass[ified] FBI connection at home that worked. And I didn’t bother to fix it, whole ‘nother story, but I would either use my BlackBerry, must have been or Samsung…my phone, I had two phones—a personal phone and a government phone. Or if I needed to write something longer, I would type it on my personal laptop and then send it to Rybicki, usually I copied my own address…. Yeah. And so I would use, for unclassified work, I would use my personal laptop for word processing and then send it into the FBI.”
So, James Comey had a non-classified private email account at the same time he was investigating Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails off her private server.
That’s not all. He also claimed that he deleted every single email on his non-secure Gmail account, and tried to play that off as a noble thing.
Comey associate James Rybicki said: “In rare circumstances during his tenure, Director Comey sends unclassified emails from his official FBI.gov email account address to [his Gmail account]. This permits him to open attachments and use his personal laptop to then work on a speech or other content intended for wide dissemination. He then sends drafts or the completed text to his official FBI.gov email account or to another FBI.gov email account from [his Gmail account]. He opened this personal account at about the time he became Director…. To ensure a high level of cybersecurity, Director Comey routinely deletes all emails from his [Gmail] account each day, and then clears the deleted messages folder. He began this practice about two years ago. The Director does not recall receiving and/or seeking advice concerning the use of these accounts.”
Also, Comey’s FBI was actively spying on the President Donald Trump 2016 campaign.
Former FBI director James Comey issued a tweet on Thursday referring to Republicans attacking “confidential human sources,” effectively admitting that the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign.
Comey’s strange tweet reflects an admission of guilt following revelations that there was at least one spy and maybe two for the FBI in the Trump campaign and that outside Trump campaign-affiliated people named Carter Page and George Papadopoulos were being monitored in real time by the FBI. Both those men visited longtime CIA asset Stefan Halper at the University of Cambridge when the spying began…