Jim Acosta Set to Admit Democratic Partisan Affiliation in New Book

CNN operative and White House Correspondent Jim Acosta is set to all but admit he’s a full throated progressive motivated in his reporting work by his political preferences, according to reporting from The Guardian.

Acosta made it clear that he had discarded with the pretense of journalistic “neutrality” as a consequence of the Trump presidency. He’s quoted as stating that “neutrality for the sake of neutrality doesn’t really serve us in the age of Trump,” in his memoir, apparently under the impression that he’d be considered as some sort of objectively impartial journalist if not for the Trump presidency.

The longtime provocateur went even further, admitting that he was guilty of “grandstanding” and “showboating.” Acosta even went so far as to admit that his life began “spiraling out of control” when he lost his White House Press Pass.

It goes without say that many critics of establishment media never would imagine themselves congratulating the disruptive protestor thought by many to be a buffoon, but Acosta’s admission of partisan affiliation is praiseworthy.

Employees of liberal mainstream media outlets have traditionally hid behind a transparently fake veil of “impartiality” and neutrality, pretending as if they are qualified to report on issues of political consequence without the influence of their own views. A media marketplace in which the mainstream media has been forced to compete with more honest entities hasn’t led to more reporters reconsidering their model of journalism like Acosta has seemed to, instead calling for their competitors to be forcibly silenced by social media monopolies.

Acosta’s frank admission of liberal bias is relatively unheard of among major CNN and MSNBC “reporters,”  and could open new possibilities for personalities working for the networks. Traditional cable news is facing difficulties as audiences tune out in favor of alternative media, and CNN chief Jeff Zucker recently admitted the platform’s international channel was losing $10 million a year.


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