John Hopkins Calls For Gun Control to Prevent “Insurrection” Threat
According to a report by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at Johns Hopkins University, elected officials must pass gun control measures in order to prevent the rise of an “insurrection,” an academic paper argues.
“This report is both an examination and a warning of the threat that armed insurrectionism poses to democracy in the United States,” the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at Johns Hopkins University said. “It also counters the false narrative that the Constitution creates rights to insurrection and the unchecked public carry of firearms, and rejects the notion that violence has any place in our nation’s politics.”
According to a report by The College Fix, this center is located inside of the Bloomberg School of Public Health. This center is named for former New York City Mayor and millionaire oligarch Michael Bloomberg, a notorious proponent of civilian disarmament.
“As the events of January 6th showed the world with painful clarity, the threat insurrectionism poses to democracy in the United States is not hypothetical,” the authors — Kelly Roskam, Tim Carey, and Joshua Horwitz — stated in their report, titled “Defending Democracy: Addressing the Dangers of Armed Insurrection.”
The study’s executive summary calls attention to how the country’s increase in firearms is allegedly a threat not only to “public health” and “safety,” but also to “the functioning of democracy,” mentioning the “January 6th insurrection.”
The report contended that the violence was part of “a long line of events in which individuals have sought to use political losses to justify violence or threats of violence to disrupt our government and limit civic engagement.”
“These attacks on our nation and democratic institutions are preventable, but not without taking purposeful action,” the report highlighted. The academic paper outlines what “purposeful action” might look like.
The authors offered several policy recommendations to address this perceived problem.
These reforms consisted of the regulation on the public carry of guns, legislation to clamp down on “paramilitary activity”, prohibiting firearms “in locations essential to political participation,” and the passage of red flag gun confiscation orders.
Universities don’t care about the Second Amendment. Given their leftist inclinations, universities will do everything possible to discredit the Second Amendment and brainwash the next generation of young leaders to hate this concept.
This, among other reasons, necessitates the Right to pursue a two-pronged strategy of punishing universities that push leftist causes while right-wing entrepreneurs build a parallel education infrastructure to de-program countless young minds of years of political disinformation.
We can’t afford to continue letting this parasites corrupt our youth’s innocent minds.