Jordan Peele Openly Discriminates Against Whites, Says He Won’t Cast Whites in Lead Roles

Jordan Peele No White Leads

While speaking before a group of improv students in East Hollywood, comedy star and director Jordan Peele said he would not be casting white people for leading roles after the success of his new movie, “Us”.

Hollywood Reporter writes that Peele, of “MADtv” and “Key & Peele” fame, told a “diverse set of 20-something improv students” that the lesson he learned from the new movie “Us” is that he will likely no longer cast white actors in leading roles.

He told the crowd of nearly 200, “I don’t see myself casting a white dude as the lead in my movie,” adding, “Not that I don’t like white dudes, but I’ve seen that movie.”

Peele also noted that his job at Universal appears to be casting black actors in all roles, regardless of the content of the movie, telling the students that he “can say to Universal, ‘I want to make a $20 million horror movie with a black family.’ And they say yes.”

Peele said this drive for social justice first happened when “Saturday Night Live” attempted to hire him to do an impersonation of President Barack Obama during the 2008 election, and “MADtv” refused to let him out of his contract. He told students that he locked himself in a room, smoking marijuana, and eventually came to the conclusion that he wants to become a producer.

The improv actor turned director appears to think that excluding white is the surefire way to ensure racial tensions decrease in the United States, while completely oblivious to how divisive this sounds to Americans living outside the narrow worldview of Hollywood actors and directors.

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