Judicial Watch finds “trainwreck of misconduct” in the Steele Dossier investigation

A citizen-run, government watchdog group is trying to find out if the FBI fooled a FISA judge into authorizing a warrant to spy on President Donald J. Trump and his transition team, based on what is called the Steele Dossier.
“The Dossier was a Clinton Campaign funded attack on President Trump, ” said Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, on Fox News Thursday.
According toWikipedia:
Steele dossier,[1] is a private intelligence dossier that was written by Christopher Steele, a former British MI6 intelligence officer. It contains allegations of misconduct and collusion between Donald Trump and his campaign, and the Russian government during the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the period preceding the election.
“There’s no excuse for why we don’t know these key answers about who paid for the Trump Dossier, how it was used, and what was in the FISA application”, Fitton said.
Fitton told FOX News that the FBI took the Steele Dossier like a baton from the Clinton campaign. Others share Fitton’s suspicions on what role that dossier played in the FISA application.
You wouldn't know this from the partisan media, but the Mueller's team gamesmanship on the @RealDonaldTrump transition documents has serious legal and ethical implications. If Rosenstein won't step up, then AG Sessions should finally unrecuse himself and enforce the rule of law.
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 19, 2017
Judicial Watch has been instrumental in exposing the role the FBI played in the warrant with ongoing Freedom Of Information Action lawsuits.
“Justice Department and FBI were ruined under President Obama , James Comey, and Attorney General Lynch” said Fitton on Fox.
This week Deputy FBI Director Andrew “Andy” McCabe testified on Capitol Hill about bias in the FBI agency.
Lawmakers wanted to know about the Steele Dossier and asked if McCabe felt the document met the standards to open a case.
McCabe responded that on more than one occasion the FBI had tried “really hard to verify the dossier”, saying that at one point agents even visited London.
Trying really hard isn’t verifying it Fitton said. “The special counsel is supposed to be reassuring the public that their investigation is unbiased”, Fitton said.
#2 FBI official seems to confirm that the Clinton campaign's Dossier hit job on @RealDonaldTrump is bunk. No wonder the FBI is stonewalling our @JudicialWatch FOIA lawsuit and Congress. https://t.co/AmCZ6FKXkz @FoxNews
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 21, 2017
Judicial Watch’s Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell appeared on Lou Dobbs on Thursday and told the host Judicial Watch has found a “trainwreck of misconduct” stemming from the DOJ & FBI apparently making use of the anti-Trump Dossier.
“No one can tell you what crimes have been committed by Trump”, Farrell said about the Mueller investigation into Russian Collision. Farrell, an ex-special agent says that using the dubious Dossier to get the FISA warrant for a fishing expedition is a crime and is misconduct that is ” hanging around Mueller’s neck”, he said.
The majority of Americans do not have confidence in Mueller, according to most polls. He has chosen a very partisan group for the investigation team.
“This is a very dishonest game the investigators are playing. They all know better”, Ferrell said.
“The investigators are trying to find a crime, and that is Stalinist,” Ferrell said. “You got these guys talking about insurance policies, meaning they were going to leverage the Steele Dossier to get a FISA warrant. That is a Trainwreck of misconduct”, Ferrell told Fox News.
This DOJ scrutiny in the Steele Dossier has opened a door to new investigation of collusion with the Russians.
On Thursday Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard”Jeff” Sessions III has ordered prosecutors at the Department of Justice to interview FBI agents about uranium deal that involves Hillary R. Clinton.