Jussie Smollett Found Guilty on Five of Six Counts in Chicago Hate Hoax Trial


Actor Jussie Smollett has been found guilty on five of six counts of disorderly conduct in his Chicago hate hoax trial, with jurors returning a verdict on Thursday evening. They declined to convict him on one of the charges, all of which stemming from lying to police officers about a supposed racist and homophobic attack against his person in January 2019.

Sentencing is likely to occur in two to three months. Legal observers have speculated that Smollett will get off with (considerable) fines and reparations for the costs of the extensive Chicago Police investigations into the hoax, and possible community service. A more strenuous punishment would see the actor slapped with jail time. The disorderly conduct charges Smollett has been convicted on are felonies, as opposed to misdemeanors.

The charge Smollett was acquitted of involved an accusation told to one specific detective, with the other charges gauged to meet the standard of a false police report.

The testimony of two Nigerian brothers, the Osundairos, was crucial to the conviction of Smollett in the hate hoax trial. The two brothers testified that they were paid $3,500 to stage a fake attack on Smollett outside of his apartment building, dousing him with bleach and supposedly wrapping a noose around his neck. Smollett initially claimed that he had been attacked by two white Trump supporters who claimed that downtown Chicago was “MAGA country.” Smollett went on to claim that the Osundairo brothers legitimately attacked him in the incident, despite text messages and evidence revealing that Smollett and the brothers were close associates.

The Smollett hate hoax amounts to one of the most significant hate crime hoaxes in recent American history, with Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden rushing to assume Smollett’s account of events were true and painting him as a victim.

Smollett and his lawyers may make a statement following the conviction, and Big League Politics is continuing to closely monitor the situation.

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