Justin Amash Sees No Difference Between Violent Communist Left and the Pro-MAGA Right

As Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) morphs from tea party favorite to favorite of ‘Never Trump’ liberals, many of his former supporters are bewildered as to how this could happen. A Twitter thread posted by Amash earlier this year may shed some light on his mindset.
Amash, who is a rigid libertarian ideologue, apparently sees no difference between the Marxist cadre of the Left threatening Western Civilization and the pro-MAGA conservatives in the Right who are desperately trying to preserve what is left of their country.
Both parties mislead, misdirect, employ double standards, and lie. When you point this out, each side attacks you for suggesting their team is anything like the other team. Wake up, partisans—you are a mirror image of the other side, just with different biases and blind spots.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 7, 2019
Because Amash is blinded to the differences between the Left and the Right, he sees self-righteous grandstanding as the path forward, even if it may assist the enemy while alienating and disrespecting his friends and constituents.
Each side also consistently employs whataboutism when you call them on some impropriety. We’ll start doing X when your side does X or Y, they love to say. My reply is that you need to take a risk and do the right thing regardless. We must rebuild trust to end this cycle.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 7, 2019
Amash finished the Twitter thread with an admonishment of “whataboutism.” It is important to note that Amash supports impeachment of Trump while never supporting impeachment of his predecessor, so his sanctimonious moralism does not hold up under scrutiny.
Whataboutism isn’t when you say the other side is wrong, too; it’s when you say the other side is wrong, too, and therefore my side is excused from wrongdoing.
It’s fine to note that both sides are wrong as long as you acknowledge that it cannot excuse either side’s wrongdoing.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 7, 2019
The libertarian Republican Congressman has staked out a position regarding impeachment of President Trump that is more liberal than that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who is reticent to support impeachment of Trump.
Amash wants to impeach Trump despite the fact that the Mueller report cleared him of any Russian collusion.
Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.— Justin Amash (@justinamash) May 18, 2019
In fact, obstruction of justice does not require the prosecution of an underlying crime, and there is a logical reason for that. Prosecutors might not charge a crime precisely *because* obstruction of justice denied them timely access to evidence that could lead to a prosecution.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) May 20, 2019
While Amash has become the scorn of his constituents who trusted him by electing him to Congress for five terms, he is receiving a great deal of support from Hollywood stars and neocons who hate the President.
Republican Congressman Justin Amash concludes President Trump "engaged in impeachable conduct."
Thank you for your leadership, @justinamash. #PatriotNotPartisan https://t.co/9rPxYPVRzL
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 18, 2019
I say this as someone at odds with Amash on lots of issues important to me (and I think to him): All honor to Justin Amash, who has done so much today to set an example of constitutional responsibility and mature, civic discourse.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) May 18, 2019
Republican Congressman from Michigan, Justin Amash, is the first crack in the armor. If all Republicans in Congress would take the time to actually read the Mueller report, they’d be hard pressed to turn away from Trump’s mountain of criminality.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) May 18, 2019
Amash will face the music for the first time since his push for impeachment tonight during a town hall in Grand Rapids, MI. He will likely be relying on Democrats to rally in support of him, after betraying his constituents to undermine President Trump.