Justin Amash’s Business Interests in China Underscore His Push to Impeach Trump

Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) has become the darling of anti-Trump liberals following his declaration in favor of impeaching President Donald Trump yesterday.

While Amash acts like his support of impeachment is rooted in constitutional grounds, there may be a financial motive to his opposition to Trump. It has been revealed that Amash has significant business interests in China that may be harmed by Trump’s ‘America First’ trade policies.

In Amash’s financial disclosure forms for the year of 2015, he was shown as receiving up to $1 million in annual income due to his ownership stake in Michigan Industrial Tools (MIT). MIT is the parent company of Tekton Tools, Amash’s family business, that benefits directly from Chinese manufacturing.

An article from MLive in 2010 exposed Amash as being the co-owner of Dynamic Source International (DSI), a Chinese company that was once an MIT supplier. Amash’s family have been outspoken advocates of the globalist trade status quo for many years.

“Trade with China is providing American consumers with good quality tools that could not be made for those prices in the United States,” said John Amash, Justin’s brother, who is President of Tekton Tools.

The issue was a controversy when a Democratic opponent of Amash pointed out his Chinese business connections when the Grand Rapids Congressman initially ran for Congress in 2010 billing himself as a tea party advocate and Ron Paul Republican.

“The fact is, instead of making American-made products made by American workers, Justin Amash has chosen Chinese workers to make products which he then sells in America,” said Lonny Paris, who served as campaign manager in 2010 for Amash’s Democratic opponent Pat Miles Jr.

With Amash becoming a more vicious opponent of Trump than even most Democrats, his business record is once again under scrutiny as it may be more than principled constitutionalism driving this ‘Never Trump’ leaders motives in leading the drive for impeachment.

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