Kamala Harris Aide, A Masonic ‘Grand High Priest’ And Phony Cop, Spoke On Her Behalf At Grandmaster Gathering

Documents show that former Kamala Harris aide Brandon Kiel is a Masonic “Grand High Priest” who campaigned for his boss Harris at a Masonic grandmaster gathering. Kiel served as Harris’ deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice.

Kiel was arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer for his work in the “Masonic Fraternal Police Force” in Los Angeles. The charges against Kiel were dismissed in 2016 on the same day that Masonic grandmaster David Inkk Henry died after he appeared in court in San Fernando.

It turns out that Brandon Kiel is an active Mason who spread Kamala Harris’ message at a June 2014 St. John’s Day gathering of the local Grandmasters. Kiel also appeared with his fellow grandmasters behind the LAPD at a press conference during Trayvon Martin-related instability.

Kiel reportedly told the master Masons that “the Attorney General needs their support” to solve the issue of truancy in California schools.

Here is a passage from the June 19, 2014 edition of the L.A. Watts Times news service, which was highlighted by the blog Laws of Silence, which knows a lot about Masonry and provides more context:

Here is the passage in which Brandon Kiel spoke on behalf of his boss Kamala Harris:

Here is Grand High Priest Brandon Kiel with his Masonic brothers standing behind the LAPD at this press conference during the George Zimmerman verdict-themed instability in Los Angeles.


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