Kamala Harris Embarrasses America (Again) With Terribly Fake French Accent
Kamala Harris has had an acutely sordid history of being a rootless cosmopolitan elite, in addition to being one of the most ineffective holders of public office in American history, which is saying quite a bit. As with many globalist political puppets, it appears that Kamala is almost in a race against herself to be everything and nothing at the same time, which seems to be a rather sensible explanation considering the Biden regime’s efforts to dissolve the American nation and elect a new one.
According to Fox News, Kamala was seen and heard trying to put on some sort of accent whilst explaining “The Plan” to French scientists during her visit to Paris. From the video footage acquired, it appears that Kamala started her sentence that referred to a campaign to defend “The Plan” in a relatively generic American accent before switching to what some would consider an abortion of a French accent mid-sentence.
In the next sentence on the footage, Kamala once again seems to be unable to choose whether she wishes to use an American accent or a ‘French’ accent when she utters the sentence “we are expected to defend The Plan”, with the first four words in a generic American accent and the remainder in a ‘French’ accent. Apparently, this plan that she repeatedly cackles on about is important enough for her to insist that “The Plan” be written in upper cases to signify its brevity. Considering what her priorities have been in the recent past, many members of the public might not feel too remissed should they choose to ignore her next faux pas.
Some, however, see this as rather par for the course for an individual who seems to want to be a citizen of the world by not only trying to emulate the most surface-level characteristics of every conceivable corner of the world but also by attempting to bring the entire world to American soil.
In an unrelated note, Kamala Harris’ job approval rating as second in command in the Biden regime currently stands at 28 percent.
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