Kentucky GOP Rejects Resolution Imploring Mitch McConnell to Halt Illegal Impeachment Trial for Trump
Kentucky’s GOP State Central Committee voted on Saturday to reject a resolution imploring Sen. Mitch McConnell to stop the upcoming impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump, which is unlawful now that he has left office.
The resolution was rejected by an overwhelming 134-49 vote, showing exactly how few Republican officials are willing to stand with Trump against Democrat overreach.
“As a political party, we’re in a unique position to bring all sides of our organization together to have conversations about the direction we are going in and what we expect from our elected officials,” a statement released by the Kentucky GOP following the meeting said.
The Kentucky GOP is intent upon turning the page on President Trump and returning to the days when the party could not win a national election.
“In the end it is our intention to return our focus to bringing civility to the party and continue having larger conversations about how we can attract more voters and grow our party,” the State Central Committee said in its statement.
Big League Politics has reported on how McConnell and other senate RINOs have joined the Democrats to attack President Trump following the Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol:
Mitch McConnell is reportedly “pleased” about the possibility of Trump’s second impeachment, viewing it as an opportunity to purge Trump from the Republican Party and whatever else Conservative Inc. deems “toxic.”
In a New York Times report published Monday afternoon, Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman write that the outgoing Senate Majority Leader believes Trump committed “impeachable offenses.” McConnell also welcomes impeachment in order to justify dumping Trump and shedding his influence over the GOP.
“Mr. McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, has indicated that he wants to see the specific article of impeachment that the House is set to approve on Wednesday, which is expected to draw support from as many as a dozen Republicans, potentially including Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the party’s No. 3 in the House,” the report reads. “But he has made clear in private discussions that he believes now is the moment to move on the weakened lame duck, whom he blames for causing Republicans to lose the Senate.”
The Times also claims that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, although personally opposed to impeachment, has decided along with “other party leaders” to not formally lobby Republicans to vote “no” and is open to censuring the president. McCarthy discussed with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer a plan to get Republicans on board with a formal censure, but only if Democrats “backed off” from impeachment.
The total betrayal of President Trump and his supporters is at hand from the Republican establishment. This may destroy the GOP, sinking America and what’s left of Western Civilization with it.