Kyle Rittenhouse Assailant and Prosecution Witness Gaige Grosskreutz Had DUI Charge Dismissed Days Before Trial

One of the men who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse in August 2020 and has testified as a prosecution witness in his trial had a DUI charge dismissed just days before taking he stand.

28-year old Gaige Grosskreutz had a DUI charge dismissed six days before the trial. Grosskreutz has an extensive criminal history, which includes expunged felony burglary charges.

The Milwaukee man, who drove to Kenosha for the evening’s Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots on August 25th of last year, was shot by Rittenhouse when he charged the Illinois youth carrying a loaded handgun.

Court records indicate Grosskreutz’s latest DUI charge was dismissed on a legal technicality, a development that raises questions about the impartiality of the Kenosha District Attorney’s Office. Footage of the DUI arrest shows Grosskreutz refusing to speak with police officers and declining to take a field sobriety test, later testing for a .212 blood alcohol level that is far beyond the acceptable legal limit in any American jurisdiction.

Grosskreutz is the only individual shot by Rittenhouse who survived, receiving severe injuries to the arm after rushing the Illinois minor.  Grosskreutz has one previous DUI conviction, with an additional conviction likely to land the troubled left-wing activist jail or prison time.

The career criminal admitted during his testimony that he carried a weapon without a valid concealed carry permit during the fateful August 2020 riot, somehow escaping criminal prosecution for engaging in violence while illegally carrying.

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