Latinos Are Set to Deliver Florida to the GOP
Florida is undoubtedly going to be one of the most important battleground states during the 2020 elections. One voter demographic that will play a pivotal role in delivering a Florida victory for President Donald Trump are Hispanics. Pew Research reported that 2.5 million Hispanics are registered to vote in Florida during the 2020 presidential election. This represents 17 percent of the state’s total electorate and a 1 percent increase since 2016, when Florida state government data demonstrated that there were 2 million Hispanics registered to vote.
Florida has the largest Hispanic electorate of all battleground states and has the largest Hispanic voting bloc (3.1 million) behind California (7.9 million), and Texas (5.6 million).
From 2000 to 2018, the Hispanic share of Florida’s electorate increased by 9 percentage points. It was at 11 percent of eligible voters in 2000 and 20 percent at 2018. Right now, a record 32 million Hispanics are eligible to vote in 2020.
Technically, Democrats outnumber Republicans when it comes to the Hispanic vote in Florida. In 2020, 948,000 Hispanic voters are registered as Democrats (roughly 38 percent of Florida’s Hispanic total in Florida), while about 640,000 are registered Republicans (26 percent of the total). 880,000 Hispanic Floridians are registered with no party affiliation (35 percent of the total).
Cubans (29 percent) and Puerto Ricans (27 percent) are Florida’s top two largest Hispanic groups among eligible voters. The fastest growing group of Hispanic voters in the Sunshine State are Venezuelans, who grew by 184 percent from 2008 to 2018. At the moment, Venezuelans constitute 2 percent of the Hispanic vote in Florida.
Hispanic eligible voters in Florida are more likely to be immigrants, younger, and have graduated college. Additionally, they’ll also be less proficient in English.
According to an NBC News/Marist poll taken in September, Trump is leading Hispanics 50 percent to 46 percent in Florida. Additionally, 56 percent of Hispanics supported Governor Ron DeSantis’s E-Verify measure to ensure that illegal aliens are not getting hired at private companies.
Yes, Hispanics are a solid base for nationalists to tap into provided that they don’t Hispander like their spineless neoconservative predecessors. The key is to focus on law and order issues and stopping mass migration. Hopefully, the GOP takes not of that.