Leagues Ahead: Mainstream Press Finally Catches Up to BLP on Silent Sam Reporting

Seven full days after Big League Politics’ initial report, cable news is finally reporting that University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill Police were ordered to stand down as the historic Silent Sam statue fell.

“A police chief assisting with crowd control during a protest at the University of North Carolina told his officers to stand aside as protesters tore down a century-old Confederate monument, according to documents obtained by a television station,” according to the NBC affiliate in Raleigh, NC.

This report mirrors what Big League Politics reported on August 21.

Editor-in-Chief Patrick Howley reported:

Video footage shows University of North Carolina campus police officers in Chapel Hill responding in unison to an order to stop guarding the Silent Sam statue just moments before the statue was pulled down by Antifa protesters and students on Monday night.

The actions of the UNC police are currently under review, according to a statement the UNC board president made Wednesday night.

Watch the stand-down order being given at the 4:00 Minute mark in this video “Silenced Sam” posted to Vimeo by the user rumor. The police walk away from their guard position and allow the destruction to happen:

Once again, Big League Politics is bringing you coverage that mainstream press either ignores, or takes weeks to confirm. As for D.C.-based political journalists? They do not want any part of any reporting that involves getting up from their desks.

Antifa is expected to riot at UNC again Thursday night.

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