Leftist Thug Targets Roger Stone’s Handicapped Wife for Vicious Attack in Own Neighborhood

A leftist thug assaulted Roger Stone’s handicapped wife while she was walking her dog in her neighborhood on Thursday.

The Proud Boys posted the following notice on their Telegram confirming the incident: “Roger Stone’s handicapped wife beaten badly by deranged leftist man while walking her dog in her own neighborhood, currently in hospital.”

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio posted a comment from Stone’s spokesman, Rev. Randy Coggins, who sadly confirmed the news about the vicious attack that took place.

“It is true that Nydia Stone was attacked by a leftist on a bicycle in front of their home and that she was already convalescing from a very bad dog bite sustained the week before and reported Broward County animal control.  This re-opened a gash in her knee which required a visit to the emergency room,” Coggins said.

However, her injuries were far from life-threatening, although they will require surgery. She is already back home and recovering.

“Her injury will require surgery but she is home and doing fine and more angry than she is injured. It’s amazing how many hundreds of thousands of people have inquired with their questions and offered their prayers.  The Stone family is grateful,” Coggins stated.

Big League Politics has reported about Stone’s miraculous political awakening after being railroaded by federal deep state scum:

Recently commuted political operative Roger Stone has two men to thank for his newfound freedom: President Donald Trump, and, more importantly, Jesus Christ.

Stone has been involved in political dirty tricks throughout his career and has never been a member of the Christian Right, to put it mildly, but his attempted railroading has caused him to become close to Jesus Christ and discover his faith.

He told CBN News about how he attended an outdoor church service in Florida held by Franklin Graham in January. This was during a low point of his life, and Stone finally summoned the courage to accept Christ as his savior.

“At that moment, I felt the calling,” Stone said. “I stood up with 500 other people. I wasn’t the slightest bit embarrassed. I confess that I was a sinner. I repeated a pledge that he recited, and it was as if a cement block was lifted off my chest. I can’t even explain it.”

“I was never scared. I was never worried. I was completely confident that the Lord would guide the president to do the right thing,” he added…

However, Stone does believe that his struggle is one of good against evil. He believes that the forces out to destroy President Trump and the movement that put him into office are literally satanic.

“I really do believe that those who are trying to undo this president, those who are trying to destroy me, trying to destroy Michael Flynn, who’s a very good man and great American patriot war hero, I do believe they’re satanic,” he said.

“They cut corners and what’s outrageous is their arrogance, their moral superiority, when in fact, they have no morals at all,” Stone added. “I don’t believe that any of these people involved in my prosecution are really believers in God.”

Stone’s faith in Christ will help his family recover emotionally and spiritually from this vicious attack. Leftists reject the truth of God, which is one of the reasons why they oppose all that is good and virtuous in the world.

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