Leftists Blast Liberty University for Opening Despite Immense Precautions

Amid the COVID-19 shutdowns, Liberty University made the decision to allow students back on campus. This action has resulted in the University being blasted by Left media and politicians.

The private Lynchburg, VA University has taken backlash from the Mayor, Treney Tweedy, who said,

“I am concerned for the students, faculty and employees at Liberty University, and I am also very concerned for the residents of the Lynchburg community…. I believe it was a reckless decision to bring students back on campus….”

Vox called the decision a possible “public healthcare disaster in the making.”

Jamelle Bouie of the NY Times instsed that the elderly population of Virginia were being put at risk. He said, “14.4 percent of everyone in Lynchburg…is over the age of 65, if you want a sense of how many people Jerry Falwell Jr. is putting at risk.”

The Washington Post pretended as if Liberty University was breaking the law.

They stated, “Northam has since limited public and private gatherings to 10 people. But the school pressed ahead with a decision to allow students to continue to live on campus if they choose….”

None of these criticism make any sense once you understand the explanation from and preautions being taken by Liberty University.

Jerry Fallwell explained the rationale in bringing students back. He says that their goal was to get students back as soon as possible to prevent them from traveling around.

They explained further, in a public letter, saying,

The Central Virginia Health District came to Liberty yesterday…for an unannounced inspection, and they did not find Liberty in violation of any of the State of Virginia’s Executive Order 53….

As Jim Bowles, the Environmental Health Manager for the CVHD stated: “All operations appeared to be in compliance with the Governor’s emergency order…. We observed that all operations were carry-out only, no seating was provided, and onsite security guards…were limiting the number of customers in line to 10.”

This is all confirmed in a recording put out by Jon Harris of Worldview Conversations. He tweeted out a short video tour of the Liberty University campus, pointing out the many precautions being taken.

In one area, Harris shows that all of the seating was blocked off, mainly because their just aren’t that many students on campus.

For the most part, the students at the University are those who live on campus. They often don’t have anywhere else to go or don’t want to go home and risk contact with even more people when they should be limiting such contact.

Harris also points out the numerous signs in each area (some enormous is size) informing students of mandatory social distancing and to limit gatherings to nine or fewer.

From overturned chairs that remind students not to sit next to one another, to numerous security gaurds enforcing policies (which Harris says students are abiding by voluntarily anyway), it’s clear that safety is of the utmost concern.

The list of precautions goes on and on, completely debunking the narrative and fear-mongering being spread by many media outlets. Criticizing Liberty University for allowing students back on campus is about as absurd as criticizing apartment complexes for not kicking all of their tenets off the property.

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