Leftists Furious After Chick-fil-A Gave Nearly $2 Million to Traditional Marriage Groups

Leftists are furious after the pro-America, pro-Christianity chicken restaurant Chick-fil-A gave nearly $2 million to organizations promoting traditional marriage.
The Salvation Army, Paul Anderson Youth Home, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes are all under fire from the tolerant left after Chick-fil-A gave nearly $2 million to the three organizations in 2017.
Tax documents reveal that the much beloved chicken restaurant gave the Salvation Army $150,000, the Paul Anderson Youth Home $6,000, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes $1.65 million.
While the left obsesses over Chick-fil-A’s donations, the restaurant itself has never made a derogatory statement against LGBT groups. On their website, the restaurant notes its support for the communities it serves, and explains that it closes every Sunday to encourage customers and employees to set time aside to worship.
According to LGBTQ Nation, Chick-fil-A’s donations to admirable charitable groups represent a hatred of gay people because each of them focus on Christianity and support traditional marriage and biology-based gender assignment.
The left wing website wrote that the Fellowship of Christian Athletes should be considered anathema because of the sexual purity statement its leaders must uphold, which they quote as stating “that marriage is ‘a covenant between one man and one woman,’ that ‘God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman,’ and that ‘each person’s gender is determined by biological sex instead of one’s self-perception.'”
These fundamental biological and Christian truths are considered discrimination by LGBTQ Nation.
The website also claims that the the Paul Anderson Youth Home previously condemned homosexuality as against God’s wishes on its website, though the article is conveniently inaccessible.
Finally, they say that The Salvation Army, the international Protestant charity popular among current and former members of the military, practices discrimination against transgendered individuals after they allegedly refused medical treatment and housing access to trans people in New York City.
For its part, Chick-Fil-A feels no guilt or shame over its donations. The restaurant’s president, Dan Cathy, is staunchly pro-traditional marriage, and has gone on the record saying he is “guilty as charged” when it comes to supporting “the biblical definition of the family unit.” He added in a 2012 response to the Baptist Press that “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”
Unfortunately for conservatives, Chick-fil-A’s donations are not entirely perfect. They apparently donated a paltry $2,500 to the hate mongering Southern Poverty Law Center, which is currently facing a lawsuit for destroying the lives of several prominent conservatives, including members of the Proud Boys.
Chick-fil-A was recently in the news after a location briefly paused its service to say a prayer for a coworker undergoing cancer surgery.