LGBT Movement Debuts New Pedo Rights Flag, Elon Musk Immediately Suspends Flag Designer on Twitter

The LGBT movement has debuted a new flag to commemorate the rights of pedophiles, as they move onto their next perverted frontier of sexual liberation.

As a result of this, Twitter CEO Elon Musk suspended the account and suppressed the pro-pedo speech on the platform (a major departure for the policies that were in place before he bought the company):

Big League Politics has reported on how the LGBT movement is pushing for acceptance for minor-attracted persons, which is their new euphemism for pedophiles as they attempt to mainstream the victimization of children:

An assistant professor at Old Dominion University (ODU) is defending pedophiles, calling them by their new preferred euphemism of “minor-attracted persons,” and claiming that their behavior can be “moral.”

ODU assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice Allyn Walker wrote his book, A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity to promote pedophile acceptance. He explained the rationale behind his thoughts while taking questions in a recent livestream.

“I use the term minor-attracted person or MAP in the title and throughout the book for multiple reasons. First of all, because I think it’s important to use terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them, and MAP advocacy groups like ‘Before You Act’ have advocated for use of the term MAP. They’ve advocated for it primarily because it’s less stigmatizing than other terms like pedophile,” Walker said.

“A lot of people when they hear the term pedophile, they automatically assume it means a sex offender, and that’s not true, and it leads to a lot of misconceptions about attractions toward minors. I’ve definitely heard the idea that you brought up though that the use of the term minor-attracted person suggests that it’s okay to be attracted to children, but using a term that communicates who someone is attracted to doesn’t indicate anything about the morality of that attraction,” he added.

Other comments from the discussion make it abundantly clear that Walker is defending pedophilia and trying to mainstream pedophiles into the LGBT movement.

“Non-offending MAPs by definition do not abuse children so their behaviors are moral, but they’re still being subjected to this same idea that they’re bad people,” Walker said.

“Stigma against MAPs is a problem in part because it makes MAPs think that they’re monsters. That’s really problematic in terms of MAP well-being. It’s really hard to cope because you think you’re a terrible person because you have attractions you can’t change,” he added.

Good for Musk for taking action against this insanity. However, it will take Christian Nationalism to fully remove this scourge from society.

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