Liberal Media Goes Explicit with Anti-White Agenda, Claims Power Must Be ‘Taken From Them’
For many years, the Left has claimed that their racist agenda to debase and destroy white people merely because of the color of their skin has been a conspiracy theory. But like most conspiracy theories, it has turned out to be true, as confirmed by Mother Jones writer Kevin Drum.
Drum penned, “Liberals Need to Be Lincolnesque In Our Latest Race War” on Monday in which he argued that liberals must be more ruthless and aggressive against their white enemies. Ironically, the far-left Drum is a white male himself.
“Reactionary American whites, as always, won’t give up their power unless it’s taken from them….Liberals need to be as Lincolnesque as possible in this endeavor, but we also need to be Lincolnesque in our commitment to winning America’s latest race war.”
— Kevin Drum (@kdrum) July 16, 2019
In his article, Drum made note of the GOP establishment’s reasoning behind why Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) lost to former President Barack Obama in 2012. It wasn’t because Romney was too weak-willed, lacked credibility, or failed to inspire enthusiasm in voters with his bland message. No, it was because he just wasn’t tolerant and accepting enough.
“The Republican Party must be committed to building a lasting relationship within the African American community year-round, based on mutual respect and with a spirit of caring,” the Republican National Committee wrote after the embarrassing loss in 2012.
The Republican constituents did not pay much attention to the recommendation from their party’s establishment, and went with the boisterous and bombastic Donald Trump as their presidential candidate in 2016. They shocked the experts with a massive victory, which Drum considers evidence confirming his preconceived notions that all Republicans are evil racists.
“They never thought they could get away with something like this in the 21st century, and normally they would have been right: it would have lost them as many votes among educated whites as it won them among working-class whites,” Drum wrote. “But after eight years of a black president in the White House, racial tensions were ratcheted up just enough that Trump could get away with it.”
Drum laments the fact that Republicans are shying away from politically correct platitudes in the age of Trump and replacing them with ‘American First’ nationalism. The only choice at this point, he argues, is to crush Trump and his white working class base of support, once and for all.
“Republicans believe that wrecking the fabric of the country is their only hope of staying in power, and they’re right. If working-class whites abandon them even a little bit, they’re toast,” Drum wrote.
“So all we can do is try to crush them,” he added.
Trump’s rise has exposed the Left’s truly sinister ambitions. They not only want to prevent America from being great again, but also harbor cruel and racist intentions toward white people. Western Civilization will not survive unless the Left is kept out of power in 2020 and beyond.