Liberty President Jerry Falwell Jr. Says he May Call for Civil Disobedience as a Response to Virginia Democrat Gun-Grabbing

Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, sharply criticized Virginia Democrats’ gun control measures on a radio show this Monday, January 13, 2020.
Fallwell appeared on Todd Starnes’ conservative podcast, ToddCast, and stated that he’s never seen people more “energized” about any other issue in Virginia than in the current fight over the Second Amendment.
Falwell’s appearance on the conservative podcast came a few days before Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced a temporary gun ban at the Virginia state capitol in Richmond. This ban was prompted after Second Amendment activists announced that they would be holding a gun rights rally on Monday, January 20.
Starnes declared that the Second Amendment is “under attack” as Virginia Democrats move gun control measures forward in the General Assembly.
“I’m pretty sure I’m gonna call for civil disobedience if the Democrats go through with this,” Fallwell commented. “And the hundred municipalities and jurisdictions who have passed resolutions to protect the Second Amendment… I think the police officers and the populace would not be opposed to just disobeying, just like sanctuary cities in liberal states refuse to obey federal law when it comes to immigration.”
Falwell added, “I think it’s time for Conservatives. I mean, that’s how the Civil Rights Act got passed, was civil disobedience… I think there comes a time when there’s no other choice.”
When Starnes questioned Falwell about what civil disobedience would look like, Falwell explained, “Well, I mean, the police wouldn’t enforce whatever crazy stuff comes out of Richmond and the populace wouldn’t obey whatever, I don’t even know what they’re proposing, but I know it’s got people upset… You don’t mess with people’s guns in this part of the state. They [Democrats] don’t know what they’ve gotten into, and they’re going to find out the hard way, I’m afraid.”
Falwell also asserted that “It’s not Virginians” when Starnes mentioned the importance of participating in elections, given that Democrats now control all branches of the Virginia General Assembly.
“It’s northern Virginia, federal employees. The sprawl of Washington D.C.,” Falwell said.
Falwell has even suggested to several elected officials that the limits of District of Columbia be extended to cover the entire Washington metropolitan region that has spread into northern Virginia.
“That’s what the founders intended, was for the federal district to be separate from any state because they have a conflict of interest and they never anticipated it would sprawl out as far as it has,” Falwell sustained.
The current Second Amendment fight in Virginia is no joke.
The Left is relentless in their fight to make gun control a reality.
The “assault weapons’ bans, universal background checks, and limits on handgun purchases are just stepping stones.
Soon, more broad-based restrictions and outright bans on every-day firearms will crop up as “reasonable” proposals after incrementalist gun control becomes normalized in Virginia.
This is one battle that Virginia gun owners cannot afford to lose; and it may require them to use unconventional tactics.