Little Marco Rubio Bends the Knee and Endorses Donald Trump

On January 14, 2024, Florida Senator Marco Rubio announced his endorsement of former President Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential race. 

In a post he made on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter, Rubio said the following: 


When Trump was in WH I achieved major policies I had worked on for years (like expanded Child Tax Credit & tough sanctions on regime in Cuba & Venezuela) because we had a President who didn’t cave to special interests or let bureaucrats block us.

I support Trump because that kind of leadership is the ONLY way we will get the extraordinary actions needed to fix the disaster Biden has created.

It’s time to get on with the work of beating Biden & saving America!


Since he was elected to the Senate in 2010, Rubio has been a consummate neoconservative who shills for Israel and regime change abroad. He was initially a major opponent of Trump in the 2016 presidential election cycle. However, with the rise of the totalitarian, multicultural Left, many members of the Right, even Rubio included, are coming to grips with the Left’s totalitarian nature and beginning to align themselves with the nationalist Right. 

All forms of support are welcome in this existential struggle against the Left. However, boundaries must be set with respect to neocon influence. These people can’t be allowed to exercise influence within the Trump or future nationalist administrations. 

Such subversive elements can be kept at arm’s length.

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