LIVE UPDATES: President Trump’s Wuhan Virus Press Briefing

In an afternoon press conference that was given from the Rose Garden, President Trump has declared a national emergency and laid out how his administration will fight to limit the Wuhan Virus pandemic.

“To unleash the full power of the federal government, I am officially declaring a national emergency,” remarked the President. “The actions I am taking will open up access to fifty billion dollars, a very big and important amount of money for states and territories and localities in our shared fight against this disease.”

“In furtherance of the order, I am urging every State to set up emergency operation centers effective immediately…I am asking every hospital in this national to active its emergency preparedness plan so that they can meet the needs of Americans everywhere.  The emergency orders I am issuing today will also confirm broad new authority to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Secretary of HHS will immediately wave provisions of applicable laws and regulations that will help doctors, hospitals, and healthcare provides flexibility to respond to the virus and care for patients. This includes the following critical authorities, the ability to wave laws to enable tele-health, it gives remote doctors visits and hospitals check-ins the power to wave certain federal license requirements so that doctors from other states can provide services in states with the greatest needs.”

Alongside of the declared national emergency, the CEOs of Walmart, Walgress, CVS, and Target announced that they will be partnering together and using their store parking lots for nationwide coronavirus testing.

To the surprise of many President Trump announced that thru an executive action all interest on federal student loans will be waived until further notice.

The President finished his remarks by revealing that he has instructed the Secretary of Energy to purchase ‘large quantities of crude oil’ for strategic reserves. The news of this purchase sent oil stocks soaring. 

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