Los Angeles Police Union Boss Warns Tourists to Stay Away as City Descends Into Third-World Dystopia

The head of the union representing officers of the Los Angeles Police Department is taking the extraordinary step of warning tourists to stay away from the crime-ridden city during the holiday season, with a crime wave and poor conditions blighting the once-great American city.

“My message to anyone thinking about coming to Los Angeles, especially during the holiday season, is don’t,” said Jamie McBride of the LA Police Protective League. McBride was speaking in a television interview on Monday.

Los Angeles has witnessed a spree of violent crime increases and wide-scale “smash and grab” robberies, with law enforcement largely powerless to arrest thieves and burglars under municipal orders intended to advance the cause of racial justice.

We can’t guarantee your safety. It is really, really out of control. I said it to people before, it’s like that movie ‘Purge,’ you know, instead of 24 hours to commit your crime, these people have 365 days days to commit whatever they want,” said McBride, frankly admitting that the hobbled and muzzled law enforcement of Los Angeles can no longer enforce the rule of law in the city.

McBride has blamed progressive Governor Gavin Newsom for the uptick in violent offenses and crime in California, who he accused of “advocating for the criminals.

The latest organized smash and grab robbery saw thieves steal more than $100,000 in jewelry outside of a Los Angeles hotel early on Tuesday morning. A 2020 survey ranked Los Angeles as the worst city in the United States for retail crime.

Los Angeles is home to the largest homeless population of any city in the developed world, with the city’s socioeconomic structure distinctly split between the penniless masses and wealthy professionals connected to the industries of media, business, and progressive Democratic politics. Tourism has been damaged by Los Angeles’ reputation for violent crimes, with those visiting the city often targeted by criminals.

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