Louisville Judge Dismisses Charges Against Breonna Taylor’s ‘Partner in Crime,’ Even Though He Shot at Cops First

A circuit court judge has dismissed charges against Kenneth Walker, the boyfriend and accomplice of  Breonna Taylor, who has been deified by the Black Lives Matter terror movement since she was killed by police during a botched raid in Louisville, Ky. 

Jefferson Circuit Judge Olu Stevens, an affirmative-action Democrat appointee to the bench, ruled that the charges would be dropped with prejudice, meaning that Walker cannot be brought back up on charges again. Even though it was determined that he shot at police first, he will be free to walk the streets and slang drugs yet again if he so chooses.

Walker’s attorney is very happy about this decision that will put an additional target on the back of law enforcement.

We believe the city used Kenneth as a pawn to cover up the events that took place on March 13, 2020, and further used him to cover up the deep-seated failures within the Louisville Metro Police Department,” lawyer Steve Romines said in the statement. “It does not go unnoticed that neither the city nor the LMPD has apologized for using Kenneth as a scapegoat for an improper raid gone bad.

Walker is attempting to milk the media-fabricated story about his deceased girlfriend for every penny that he can. The social justice industry rewards shysters like this, who play the victim for additional handouts after breaking the law.

“We gonna get justice for Breonna Taylor,” he wrote. He hopes to receive a massive cash payout from the taxpayer in his ongoing civil suit against Louisville, the city’s police department, and other officials.

Big League Politics has reported on how Taylor’s story was fabricated from the start and how evidence from her and Walker’s mobile devices demonstrated that they were involved in illicit activity:

Deceased black woman Breonna Taylor, the alleged victim of a police shooting, has been shown in new photographic evidence to be a drug-dealing, gun-brandishing thug.

In one particularly revealing photo, Taylor can be seen with her boyfriend Kenneth Walker holding guns in a particularly menacing fashion. The caption at the top reads, “How he coming behind me” with a devil emoji, indicating that they were ready to go out in a blaze of glory at a moment’s notice, with the caption at the bottom reads, “Partners in Crime.” The BLM terror movement made up a bunch of lies about the situation in order to activate the savages to rape and pillage on behalf of their latest felon martyr.

Other revelations from the treasure trove of evidence released by the Louisville Metro Police Department include Taylor’s extensive drug dealing. Cops also “found numerous conversations about drug trafficking” with regards to her boyfriend Walker, and he was apparently selling pills to waitresses at a nearby Hooters restaurant. He was also selling large quantities of marijuana and sending messages indicating he was a veteran armed robber…

The U.S. is now ruled by the mob, who will wage war on cities anytime a black crack dealer, armed robber, rapist or drug addict dies during a police encounter.

Yet again, another Black Lives Matter martyr has turned out to be a fraud and a reprobate.

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