Major Supplement Company Will No Longer Sponsor or Attend Arnold Schwarzenegger Events After His “Screw Your Freedom” Remark

A major supplement company has dropped its support for Arnold Schwarzenegger after he said “screw your freedom” to those who are skeptical about the COVID-19 vaccine or no longer want to wear masks.

“After much deliberation, we have decided at REDCON1 to no longer sponsor the Arnold Classic or any of the Arnold events around the world, and also not attend the Arnold events,” REDCON1 founder Aaron Singerman announced in a video message.

Singerman called the decision a “very difficult” one to make, citing his adulation for Arnold growing up. Beloved by many bodybuilders and those in the fitness industry, Singerman said that it’s easy to keep “overlooking a lot of stuff” Arnold has said or done.

“When somebody says ‘screw your freedom,’ I can’t, and REDCON1 can’t, in good conscience continue to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars sponsoring that person or show with a name honoring that person,” he said. “I really wish that wasn’t the case.”

Singerman added that he’s not necessarily thinking in partisan terms, because freedom is essential to American culture and way of life.

“That’s what makes America great, the ability to choose. To choose to wear masks, to choose to get a vaccine, to choose or not to choose. And that’s okay. […] But when you say ‘screw your freedoms’ or you’re a ‘schmuck’ or ‘moron’ or anything else because you disagree with somebody—I’m not for canceling anybody, don’t cancel Arnold, but don’t support him, if you’re me.”


Arnold, a Republican and former governor of California, blurted out the “screw your freedom” line during an interview with CNN’s Bianna Golodryga and retired US Army lieutenant colonel Alexander Vindam.

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