Man Lights Himself on Fire Near White House

Wednesday, an unidentified man lit himself on fire near at Ellipse Park, just south of the White House, according to multiple reports.

Several law enforcement agencies and the Washington, D.C. Fire Department have confirmed the incident.

At approximately 12:20 p.m. a man lit himself on fire on the Ellipse near 15th and Constitution Ave., Secret Service personnel are on scene assisting [National Park Service] and [United States Park Police] in rendering first aid,” U.S. Secret Service Tweeted.

“I can confirm that we’ve transported one patient with burns from the Ellipse and we’re now on the scene assisting law enforcement,” a spokesman for the D.C. Fire Department told CNBC.

The incident occurred just after Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III announced that his office was closing shop and that he was retiring from the Department of Justice.

Big League Politics reported:

FBI spook Robert Mueller closed up his “nothing burger” today, formally ending his special counsel, and resigning from the Department of Justice during a brief 10-minute press conferencein front of reporters in Washington D.C.

“I’m speaking out today because our investigation is complete,” Mueller said. “The Attorney General has made the report on our investigation largely public. We are formally closing the special counsel’s office, and as well, I am resigning from the Department of Justice to return to private life.”

Mueller noted that “it is important for the office’s written work to speak for itself.”

He noted that Russians did use sophisticated attacks on our electoral infrastructure, crediting them with giving information to WikiLeaks, and damaging the candidacy of a particular presidential candidate – obviously referring to Hillary Clinton. He also credited some social media posts by Russians for influencing the election.

Mueller talked about obstruction as well, giving a vague diatribe against obstruction but not implicating Trump or anyone close to him as being guilty of the crime.

“We did not… make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime,” Mueller said.

He noted that charging the President for a criminal act was “not an option we could consider.”

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