Mark Zuckerberg Declares Facebook’s Support of Free Speech Amidst Unprecedented Crackdown on Alternative Media
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced during the Silicon Slopes Tech Summit in Utah on Friday that his tech corporation is going to support freedom of speech from this point forward.
“This is the new approach, and I think it’s going to piss off a lot of people. But frankly, the old approach was pissing off a lot of people too, so let’s try something different,” Zuckerberg said.
Zuckerberg is paying lip service to free speech and encryption while he is under fire from every angle. Conservatives are criticizing Facebook for deplatforming right-wing voices while liberals beg for more Draconian Big Brother censorship against their enemies. Zuckerberg has become a convenient punching bag as political polarization rises.
“Increasingly we’re getting called to censor a lot of different kinds of content that makes me really uncomfortable,” Zuckerberg said.
“We’re going to take down the content that’s really harmful, but the line needs to be held at some point,” he added.
Zuckerberg has the audacity to paint himself as a hero standing up for digital freedom during a tumultuous time.
“If you’re not out there standing for things that people care about then it’s not possible for people to feel that strongly about what you’re doing,” he said.
Zuckerberg talks about Facebook’s new focus in favor of freedom of speech while his platform cracks down on alternative media like never before.
Facebook has outsourced their censorship operation to supposedly “independent” fact checkers that flag stories that go against the globalist narrative. Pages that share the flagged stories are given strikes on the platform, and eventually censored from the news feed.
Big League Politics has been targeted by the Facebook Gestapo recently for reporting the truth about Jeffrey Epstein’s mysterious death and the Democrats’ war on the Bill of Rights. Zuckerberg’s goons suppressed a news story published by Big League Politics last week about legislation that would criminalize dissent against government officials in Virginia.
We took Facebook and their Orwellian truth commission to task for their shameful attempt to put a chokehold on the marketplace of ideas:
Last week, Big League Politics reported on a bill introduced in the Virginia legislature that would effectively criminalize dissent against government officials…
In short, the egregiously unconstitutional bill would make free speech dependent on rulings by biased government appointees, and cause a chilling effect on those who wish to speak out against public officials. This is the type of intolerable act that the Founding Fathers waged a revolutionary war to put to an end.
The Orwellian truth commission set up by Facebook found fault with the report and took measures to prevent it from being disseminated widely on the platform. They had their hired goons at Politifact flag the story as fake news in order to restrict the story from being shared and prevent social media users from knowing the truth about what is happening in Virginia.
Politifact claims that the legislation “spells out criminal penalties for harassment of or threats made to certain state officials. It does not affect ordinary free speech.” This is an assessment that is at best embarrassingly naive, but more likely the cognizant disinformation from a guilty and complicit agent of Big Brother.
The restrictive actions of Facebook toward independent content speak louder than Zuckerberg’s empty platitudes in favor of privacy.